The Path of A Doer 

A simple tale of how to get things done by David Hieatt.   

The Path of the Doer is a pocket guide to helping you achieve more. 

  • Should you set you or your team impossible deadlines?
  • When are you most likely to fail?
  • Why day dreaming can help you succeed. 

No matter if you are a student or a CEO this book is an indispensable read for everyone who wants to make stuff happen.   This is useful for procurement, facilities, surplus, estates, sustainability and waste officers and managers. 

I use it for zero waste and circular economy projects. 

Keep the guide as a reference to make sure you are on the right track. 

In any project planning or meetings print off the PDF and stick to the wall for guidance. 

We've got unlimited online versions and 200 copies to give away to customers and our friends. 

Get yours by filling out the form. You will be taken to a page to download the PDF and if you requested we will send you a hardcopy also!