Sustainability Entrepreneur Blog

How to Get Your Friends and Family to Validate Your Ideas

Written by Joseph Kennedy | Jul 12, 2019 10:08:00 AM

It’s a harsh truth, but we’re going to advise you not to ask your mum what she thinks of your idea because chances are, she’s going to tell you it’s amazing, ‘sweetie’. She wants to encourage you, and that’s normal.

The same goes for your friends. There’s not a lot of quality in a business idea validated by your friends either, because most of the time they’re going to say it’s great and spur you on. They want you to have a great life and feel supported.


Maybe not all of your friends should be excluded…

Within every group of friends lurk a couple of pragmatic and critical figures who can lay out the big picture and offer some feedback. You might have friends who, if you suggest an idea, totally pull it apart (banter likely included for free). When they pull it apart, they’re actually making it better, providing new perspectives, flaws, applications, and improvements, and that helps you formulate your idea. These people are a good source of criticism.


Talk about the problem first!

Don’t present a solution without first explaining the problem. Present the issue, giving relevant insight, and then say, ‘What would YOU do to fix this problem?’ By getting their creative juices flowing, you’re going to get an extra layer of perspective, and probably be asked some interesting questions in the process. Then, throw in your idea, and say “Do you think this would work?”. If they’ve come up with their own solution, they’re going to have to work harder to assess your alternative.


We aren’t saying to ignore your family

Actually, spending time with your family is great (hopefully), and putting your ideas past them doesn’t actually hurt. Who knows, they might be able to enlighten you? Mostly though, it’s free advice and an extra chat that might help you develop your idea. Asking if they like it won’t help, but asking them to pick it apart might.


Another reason to involve your family

If you’ve got 10 ideas, that’s 10 discussions that can help you get closer to your solutions. You’ve also got a crowd of supporters right in front of you that are happy to be at the beginning of your story. In the coming months and years, you’re going to need your friends and family, because business can really push you to your limits. You’re going to spend a lot of time outside your comfort zone, because of that, you’re going to need support, a sounding board, and some friendly involvement. They might offer financial, spiritual, or emotional support that you will struggle to match elsewhere. If your idea really is good, your friends and family putting money down is one way to prove it.


You can inspire others

You want to lift your family right? You want them to be happier, more fulfilled, and more curious. If you involve them at the ideas stage, you might just become an inspirational figure in their lives, helping them to realise that if they put their minds to it, they can carve out their own destinies.


Time and resources

When you involve friends and family, you also involve their skills. You might have an uncle that is an accountant, a cousin who does social media, or a little brother who is out of work and just wants to do something. Call on these people to help you, they’d be glad to get involved.