The importance of mentoring is indisputable

Written by Jennifer Clair Robson | May 10, 2021 11:07:49 AM

Mentoring. It has the power to help us stay on track and accelerate self-development, career progression and confidence. It goes way beyond benefits for the mentee; mentoring also positively impacts the mentors and the organisations that embrace it.

Sustainability Mentors has a clear focus on magnifying the impact of sustainability by creating relationships where people can share knowledge, ideas and experiences therefore accelerating the urgent action that is needed to tackle the climate crisis.

Sustainability Mentors pairs like-minded professionals to develop relationships built on mutual trust and respect while generating a shared sense of purpose and positivity.

Here we look at the key benefits of mentoring:

Bolster your personal development

Mentoring helps you improve the way you share ideas, provide constructive feedback, make introductions with other professionals, or assert yourself in a difficult situation. As a mentee you will benefit from a boost in confidence by developing your strengths and overcoming any weaknesses. As a mentor you will enjoy increased self-confidence, as you reaffirm your own abilities though your mentee’s success.

As a mentee or mentor, you will both gain exposure to fresh perspectives, approaches, ideas, and ways to solve problems as you plan and achieve your goals while working with someone you respect.

Develop your mental resilience

At times, we all can feel isolated. Having a mentoring relationship can go a long way to easing this, acting as a supportive and productive way to sound out ideas and solve problems. In fact, cites mentoring as a way of supporting mental health issues in the workplace for the benefit of both the mentor and mentee.

Feeling supported in decision making and progressing career plans through mentoring can also go a long way to increasing confidence and motivation, which will, in turn, positively impact your mental health and resilience. Mentors will also experience rising confidence and self-esteem by helping others realise their goals.

Overall, the right mentoring relationship can lower levels of anxiety and stress for both parties.

Enhance your career progression

As a mentee, having the guidance, support and encouragement of a trusted and experienced mentor can offer you a broad range of professional benefits, which will ultimately improve your performance and overall job satisfaction. Benefits you can count include the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, receiving guidance on your professional development and advancement, and increasing your profile and recognition within your sector, industry and, of course, your company.

Similarly, as a mentor, investing your time in developing another professional provides tangible benefits for you. This can include gaining recognition as a subject matter leader, extending your own professional development record, and having the chance to reflect on your own goals and practices. Mentoring also helps to grow and affirm your leadership style.

Either as mentee or mentor, you will almost certainly benefit from a growing professional network as being introduced to a range of inspirational people can have a truly positive impact on career progression.

Make your good organisation great

The benefits mentoring offers for an organisation are pretty much endless. Investing in mentoring is a proven useful and cost-effective way to develop top emerging talent and retain knowledgeable and experienced staff. Improving diversity and inclusion within the workplace is another great benefit.

A successful mentoring programme will also help to: develop a culture of sharing desired company behaviours and attitudes; enhance leadership and coaching skills; improve morale, motivation, and performance; and encourage learning, growth, and positivity – all of which will filter through the entire organisation shifting good practices into great outcomes.

Sustainability Mentors is perfect for you if you want to achieve all these benefits while driving forward the sustainability agenda – whether you are already working in the sector or want to introduce and embed it into your ways of working.

The platform offers a structured mentorship programme which provides online guidance and training to deliver effective mentorship sessions. It also includes a mentor marketplace with dedicated professionals to support you, calendar management tools, plus meeting management and note taking folders to record meetings and track progress.

Increase your impact today and sign up. Helping you, helping others, helping the planet.