Your regular dose of reuse and circular economy news, info & funnies from Warp It

Webinar: Reuse and Redistribute Surplus Assets With & Between Organisations

Written by Daniel O'Connor | 12-Jun-2019 14:20:50

Has your organisation ever considered introducing an equipment/asset reuse system?

Perhaps you’ve got an existing system and it is in serious need of improvement?


Reuse is an activity that can have an enormous return on investment... when done right. The returns that can be gained are not only financial (due to budget and time savings), but also environmental, thanks to being more resourceful and avoiding sending useful assets to landfill. Warp It has solved all of the issues that (used to) come with reuse systems.


Who should watch this?

Professionals who work in sustainability, facilities, estates, logistics, waste, space, and capital development.


Firstly, what is Warp It?

  1. An online marketplace that allows staff to dispose of and acquire assets quickly and efficiently, both internally and externally
  2. A system that makes getting assets easier than buying new and disposing of the old
  3. A way to keep clutter to a minimum and maximum space efficiency
  4. A support mechanism for the decanting and decommissioning processes that large organisations need to go through when moving buildings
  5. An easy to use platform with item listings, photo libraries, easy messaging, and new features constantly being integrated to make usage more friendly and smooth


Watch the Webinar below to learn about the benefits that reusing assets can have across your organisation, community, and further beyond

Ok, enjoy!