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How to get senior management talking about reuse

Written by Becky | 18-Apr-2018 14:10:15

Let’s be frank, grabbing the attention of senior management can be a bit tricky. Their inboxes are busy, their phones are ringing off the hook and they fly from meeting to meeting all day long.

So, how do you grab their attention?


Data. Facts. Results.

Senior management live in the world of ROI and KPI, so speak in their language.

Telling them that ‘Reuse is reducing spend, reducing waste, reducing carbon footprint and improving collaboration and space management’ is likely to get your email ignored.

Instead, deliver visual data that tells them how much, how frequently, the percentage improvements, financial results, the growth benefits and the future estimations for the project.

Communicating this data

Aren’t we good to you? We’ve built an automatic monthly report system that tracks several important KPIs in an easy-to-understand way that will inform your senior management and bring some credit your way.

Note: You can sign up for this monthly report system at the end of this post.

Who would like to read the data?

Senior management is a bit of a vague term, so we have listed the people who ought to be in the data loop below:

  • Head of Procurement
  • Head of Estates
  • Head of Facilities
  • Finance Director
  • Head of Sustainability
  • Owner / MD / CEO

Collect their email addresses and subscribe them to the monthly report, or take the report for yourself and redistribute it in your own style or branding.

Important reminder

The monthly report means reuse and sustainability are on the lips of senior management at least once a month, and there is an increased chance that this becomes a topic of discussion during the small talk before meetings!

How to set up a monthly report

1) Log in as Admin

2) Go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Edit profile’

3) Scroll down to ‘Warp It Implementation Team’ and add in the email addresses of those that you wish to receive a monthly report.

Follow this guide below to learn more about our monthly reporting service.