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How to say no to distraction and get stuff done... 


I allow myself to get distracted so easily. Notifications, websites, colleagues, meetings i don't need to be at, other work that is easier than what I need to be doing.....

I welcome distractions so that i don't have to do any real work. Or rather I allow the distraction to feel like work so i still feel like I am getting stuff done.

Sometimes i spend days and weeks just floating from one distraction to another... I make progress but it could be much more efficient

Back in 2011 I was working for Newcastle University as their Waste Manager when I first had the idea that there needs to be an online platform for the reuse of surplus assets...Warp It!

But there are only so many hours in the day and 8 of those were dedicated to Newcastle University.

I launched and delivered Warp It during the evenings and using up my annual leave.

However to get all this done,  I had to use my time much more effectively and shed this bad distraction habit.

Over time I have managed to get much more focussed and distractions now annoy me because I have a clear path.

My main tool and inspiration for changing these habits was a book called 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss (BTW Misleading title....I have never had a 4 hour work week, never mind a 4 hour work day) which I thoroughly recommend.

I have taken my learnings from avoiding distraction and put them into this video.

The purpose of this video is to give you some tips and tools so you can free up your time to

  • stop getting distracted
  • set up or improve your furniture reuse system
  • get more projects done in less time
  • improve processes in procurement
  • improve processes in facilities management etc
  • or have more impact at work! And maybe even pick up some tips that will help in your work life.


Here's another Warp It hack

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Daniel O'Connor

Daniel O'Connor

I use my time and experience to contribute to the transition to a regenerative sustainable society for all.


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