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11 Reasons Why You Should Speak at Events and Workshops

Will you share your story?

We are all coaches. One way to coach is to give presentations about your learnings and experience.

This article is all about why you should share your knowledge and experience.

You build and deliver projects as part of your duties at work.

You have developed professional expertise.

You have your own unique set of skills, knowledge and experience that you have picked up delivering projects.

Think about all the ways you can use it to impact others’ objectives. Sharing your knowledge with colleagues is a great service.

I would go as far as to say it is a waste of your time NOT to share your story- because if you keep all those experiences to yourself then others will have to go through the same process of learning.

You can give them the short cuts to success by passing on your experience. When you share what you have learned with others you help them to save time, resources and money.


Why you should share your story

  • You want to help your peers.
  • You want your peers to be able to repeat your project in their organisation.
  • You need to tell everybody about your challenges, what worked, what didn't work.
  • You need to tell your colleagues in other institutions what you failed at, why it failed, so they can avoid your expensive mistakes.

And on a personal level

  • Much greater personal impact
  • Respect and recognition from your peers and colleagues
  • Further your career

Reason #1: Help others

You've learned a thing. By sharing it with others, they don't have to learn that thing.

By doing that they spend less time energy, resources or money and so it is a more effective way to work. This helps to support your peers. 

Furthermore- in this age of digital- by giving a talk you speak, you show images, even sounds, and that will last way longer in humans’ memory and so the learning is more likely to have an impact.


Reason #2: Easier networking

When you have spoken at an event it is much easier for others to break the ice with you. "That was a great talk I loved the bit about X" is what they will say!

People interested in what you presented will approach you, so it's easy for you and them to get in touch. And getting in touch with people allows you to grow your professional network.


Reason #3: Represent your organisation

Why do organisations go for awards?

  • They want recognition for their hard work.
  • They want to recognise staff.
  • They want their peers to be inspired. 

The same reasons apply to talking about your project.

When you’re representing your institution you’re telling people: “look, this is how/what we do at X”. Some of them might find it interesting or inspiring and they might follow your example. Some of them could even consider joining your institution.

The first advantage is that your institution, as well as you, would get more visibility. The second is that it will become easier for your team to hire new talented people.


Reason #4: Be a leader  and increase your personal impact

If you want to be seen as a leader in your field you must stand up and be vocal about what you have to offer. When your expertise helps your peers, you become a more valuable to that sector.


Reason #5: Get feedback

The questions and answer sessions give you a great chance to get feedback on your project. Your peers may ask questions- or give feedback-  which then help you improve your project. 


Reason #6: Develop your career

There's people in the audience who are the next level up and beyond. Putting yourself out there as a authority figure forms a positive impression in their mind.

Should an opportunity come up and they have already heard you talk- well I can't say it's 100% that the job is yours- but you are certainly ahead of the competition already

Also in interviews when you say " I have spoken publicly about X Y Z etc" demonstrates  you have courage  and cares for other people. Good attributes to talk about!  It also shows that you have passion and you know about your  topic.


Reason #7 It will help you grow

Public speaking improves your way of communicating . It makes you think what’s the best way of expressing your ideas, which is a skill which will help in other parts of your life. 

Also: If you’re sharing your experience people will contact you to know more. As a result of this contact you will develop conversation.  They could have a different approach from which you can learn more from.


Reason #8 Reinforce your learning

By sharing your story you are reinforcing the new things you learned. This means you are less likely to make mistakes in the future and this learning becomes more ingrained. 

Reason #9 You will enjoy it

You are going to present. You spend a good few hours preparing. Putting lots of energy in for the big day.

You are then presenting in front of 20, 40, 60, 100 people. They are all listening to you and your story.

All of their energy is focused on you. 

Then it is over. You get the clap of appreciation. 

All that energy is released and gives you an all time natural high.

This is why I like to speak.

Reason #10 Do your mum/dad/wife/kids/friends proud

There are people in your life who have invested in you. They want you to do well and make the most out of the skills and experience. They will proud that you are presenting your skills and experience. 


Reason #11 Do yourself proud

You are good you are! You've done some great stuff against adversity. You have overcome barriers. You have had an impact. You have got a story to tell.  It would be a waste not to share it. 


What now?

When someone asks you to speak about your specialty. Make sure you say yes!

We want to hear from you if your specialty is:

  • culture change,
  • project management,
  • reuse
  • building decommission
  • procurement
  • sustainability
  • waste


You can speak at our regional annual workshops about your reuse journey! Let us know here.


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Alexandra O'Connor

Alexandra O'Connor

Helping to mainstream reuse by giving you a great customer experience anytime you visit our services here at Warp It.


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