As we return back to and a new (better!) world we need relevant guidance to that furniture equipment and asset reuse can be carried out safely. This guidance is designed for internal and external reuse including the need to transfer items from the site to members working from home.
In this article, we are going to give you our safe reuse transfer template. After discussion with the internal authority on infection control, please use this template to add into the customisable messages on your Warp It system.
Risk assessments will have been carried out for re-opening and measures put in place to minimise the risk of virus transmission- but hopefully by using the custom messages system on Warp It you can further minimise the risk.
Please attend the next Warp It Admin meeting to discuss this issue.
What happens?
At the moment when your members use the Warp It programme there are several messages that get sent automatically. The Warp It admin can edit what these messages contain. This is so that you can match the programme to your own policies and procedures.
Please read here to understand more about these messages.
For the purposes of this article the most important messages are
1) Item added confirmation: The message that goes to the person who adds the item right at the point when they add the item/s.
2) Claim confirmation to the member adding the item. The message that goes to the person adding the item when a claim has occurred.
3) Claim confirmation to the new owner. The message that goes to the new owner who has just claimed the item
4) Claim confirmation to the new owner external (if relevant). The message that goes to the new owner who might be external to the organisation.
Why would you customise your message?
We are moving into a new world of operation where decontamination and infection control are much more important. It is likely this will last for years to come.
We are therefore suggesting that you use our template below which details safe handling and transfer of furniture and equipment.
What do we want you to do?
Please use the content below to begin a discussion with your infection control lead or health and safety manager or equivalent.
Once you have finalised the content, please add it to your custom messages within the relevant messages.
Intro (You may wish to add this to all messages detailed above 123 and 4)
Workplaces are set up to meet the new COVID-19 Secure guidelines . However reuse of surplus assets means that there is an opportunity for infection and so we have produced this guidance in order to make any transfer of assets as safe as can be.
The following guidance is in addition to your organisation's COVID 19 guidance.
We want to do everything we can to make sure you receive the items you need - and also protect the health and safety of all parties involved in a reuse transaction. A reuse transaction is when an item or asset/s has reached the end of it's first useful life in an organisation and is then put up on Warp It, and then transported to a new owner either internally, for work from home or to a 3rd party.
Where you are already using PPE in your work activity to protect against COVID-19 risks, you should continue to do so when picking up and dropping off items for reuse.
Deliveries/collections/receiving in person: To be added to claim confirmation message (internal and external)
When receiving furniture and equipment via the reuse programme please follow the below guidelines to keep your exposure risk minimal:
- Maintain social distancing
- Wash your hands after handling the furniture when you first bring it into the office (or your home if related to work from home (WFH) and before touching other items in the office or home.
- For furniture with hard surfaces, wash with warm soapy water containing standard detergent to remove virus particles
- For electrical goods or furniture that can’t get wet, disinfectant wipes with more than 70% ethanol.
- For furniture with fabric surfaces, these could be washed with soapy water
- Alternatively, or as an additional precaution, the item could be left untouched in a spare room or outside for at least three days.
- Disinfectant spray can be directly sprayed and wiped down, working to more rigorously wipe down areas that you think would have been more prone to be touched by human hands.
- Dispose of any packaging or wipes as per your internal guideline.
- If you require lots of different assets try to get them all delivered in bulk.
Adding items to Warp It: to be added to item added and claim confirmation to old owner message.
When adding furniture and equipment to the reuse programme please follow the below guidelines to keep the spread of infection to a minimum:
- Maintain social distancing
- Preparing the assets to minimise infection:
- For furniture with hard surfaces, wash with warm soapy water containing standard detergent to remove virus particles
- For electrical goods or furniture that can’t get wet, disinfectant wipes with more than 70% ethanol.
- For furniture with fabric surfaces, these could be washed with soapy water
- Disinfectant spray can be directly sprayed and wiped down, working to more rigorously wipe down areas that you think would have been more prone to be touched by human hands.
- Wash your hands after handling the assets.
- Dispose of any packaging or wipes as per your internal guideline.
- The item could be left untouched in quarantine (in a spare room) or outside for at least three days.
Logistics: to be added to transport notification if activated: [edit as per your internal procedures]
Please try to minimise contact during deliveries wherever possible. Where possible and safe, having single workers load or unload vehicles. Where possible, using the same pairs of people for loads where more than one is needed. Minimising the contact during delivery, for example, by calling to inform of arrival.
Where do I find this facility on Warp It?
Admin > Customise Settings > Item Messages
See the image below for more information.
As guidance changes overtime we will update this template. Furthermore please feed back with any information that may not be included in the template and we will add it.
Please attend the next Warp It Admin meeting to discuss this issue.
Aberdeenshire Council have kindly shared their guidance that they send to their staff. Thankyou Aberdeenshire Council!
Due to Covid19 - here's is some guidance on how to minimise your risk of transmission during this time:
- Do not arrange or attend collection of items if yourself or someone you live with has been in close contact with or is displaying symptoms (fever, persistent or new cough or a loss of taste and/or smell) or has recently tested positive for Covid-19.
- Face coverings should be worn when entering offices/ buildings particularly where there is likelihood that 2 meter distances cannot be met.
- Good hygiene must be followed:
- If hand sanitiser is available at the entrance to the location you are collecting for this should be used
- Wash your hands as soon as possible using soap and hot water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
- Maintain social distancing
- Where you are already using PPE in your work activity to protect against COVID-19 risks, you should continue to do so when picking up and dropping off items for reuse.
- Wash your hands after handling the furniture when you first bring it into the office (or your home if related to work from home (WFH) and before touching other items in the office or home.
- For furniture with hard surfaces, wash with warm soapy water containing standard detergent to remove virus particles
- For electrical goods or furniture that can’t get wet, disinfectant wipes with more than 70% ethanol.
- For furniture with fabric surfaces, these could be washed with soapy water
- Alternatively, or as an additional precaution, the item could be quarantined /left untouched in a spare room or outside for at least three days.
- Disinfectant spray can be directly sprayed and wiped down, working to more rigorously wipe down areas that you think would have been more prone to be touched by human hands.
- Dispose of any packaging or wipes appropriately.
- If you require lots of different assets try to get them all delivered in bulk.