We deliver the following support and training to get your reuse system off to a flying start, or to supplement an existing scheme.
You will find this article very useful for driving everyone's focus towards getting the system started and making it as automated as possible in the quickest period of time.
Hands on support for the project lead
The project lead has unlimited office time on the phone to get things going and maintaining the system.
We deliver an online orientation session as soon as we get the go ahead.
We work through this action plan over the next few days or weeks.
We will organise a 15 min catch up once every 2 weeks in the first couple of months or at your convenience.
Then when you are ready, we will work with you monthly. At all times we are there to work with you, until you choose the level of telephone support that you need from us.
Some customers prefer a 5 minute catch up every day in the first month when they want to get their system up and running quickly. Some customers weekly. It is up to you!
Staff Training and support*
When your members register they get an email with all of the relevant video support (See here).
- We also have a chat box on the website for immediate queries.
- We also have a email address that people can email.
- We can deliver free webinars for staff training and stakeholder support.