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How to prepare for the launch of your reuse program

So you’re ready to launch your reuse program or sign up to Warp It? Here’s what you need to know before you get started!

You've identified a problem on your estate with regards to the reuse of surplus assets.

It may be that you are:

  1. Skipping surplus assets and wish to create an easy streamlined way of reusing them before they reach the skip
  2. You may want to donate surplus assets to third parties
  3. You may wish to claim items from third parties

Or you may wish to do all three.


Our advice before you sign up to Warp It is to do some pre-preparation in your estate to make sure that the adoption of the system is quick and easy.

Identify the problem and take photos. This will help you to illustrate to others that the problem exists and needs to be solved. Guide here.

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Make a business or ethical case. This will help you to outline how to improve the current way that you reuse or attempt to reuse surplus assets around your estate. Here are some case studies to help you.

Get stakeholder buy-in. You need to get the main stakeholders involved with the disposal and purchasing of assets on the estate into a room, and persuade them that reusing those assets is the right thing to do. Here's some resources to help you. Get those stakeholders to sign up head and heart and this will make your job much, much easier in the future.

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Get commitment. Once you've got buy-in from the stakeholders the next step, is to get commitment, or public commitment, from as far up in the organisation as you can go. Preferably the chief executive, if not the chief executive then board members who represent sustainability, facilities and procurement. You really want those senior leaders to support the programme publicly by giving you a few quotes and a picture - so you can create a organisation-wide newsletter. How you get them on board is to remind them of those photos that you took right at the start, which show reusable assets in skips. You can also back this up by reminding them reuse fits in with the organisational strategies or objectives around sustainable procurement, around disposals, around sustainability, around saving money.

We’ve created this action plan to maximise your impact with minimal time input. We’ve rolled out Warp It in 250 large organisations so we know the shortcuts to success and we know the most effective activities to tackle that have the biggest impact for lowest time input.

Here's another Warp It hack

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Jennifer Clair Robson

Jennifer Clair Robson

Writing to make a difference because climate change, sustainability and the environment are issues close to my heart.


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