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Save the Date: Admin online Christmas Social Wed Dec 18th 12 noon - come as you are!

by Becky

The usual office Christmas party would entail dusting off your glad rags, ordering a taxi and worrying about overeating and having one too many glasses of punch. Not this one! Our first admin online Christmas social means you can join us from wherever you are and there is no dress code. Come and join us!


What is the Christmas social all about?

Even though our admins do not work together and work in various job roles, departments, organisations etc you all have one thing in common...Warp It.  

You are all at some stage, faced with the same barriers and many of you have overcome these with great success.  Some of you have yet to overcome these barriers, and this is the reason that we would like you all to get together.  To share your stories, give and ask advice and generally talk all things Warp It.  Your successes too...there are plenty of those! 😊


Admin Forum

As some of you know we do have an admin forum which is located within the admin portal.  A few of you have already posted on the forum.  Help with opening up the 3rd party portal and questions about transport and storage issues.  It would be great to get all of you included on the forum. I have a great example of why this would benefit you all.  One of our admins at Shropshire Council is looking for a particular item of furniture that he would rather claim from one of you than buy in new.  The forum is a great platform to add a thread...what admins are looking for.  For many of you clearing out storage this is another way to optimise reuse.  Find out more about the forum here. 


When and where.

On Wednesday December 18th at 12 noon go to this link. 

We will send out another message 1 day before. 


Getting ready for another great year with Warp It


We are always looking for ways to support our admins and it would be a great time to hear your ideas for us! 


So be there or be square πŸŽ…


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