Our ability to see other people’s points of view is one of the most crucial tools we have.
It’s key to productive and successful collaboration, and this is vital when working together to give us fighting chance to see a different and better future for both people and the planet.
Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is a relatively simple concept, but it can be difficult to master. It is human nature to see things from our own perspective.
But it can, and must, be mastered.
As journalist Charles M. Blow pointed out:
“One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient.”
These tools and tips are dedicated to helping you better understand other people's points of view so you can continue your tremendous progress tackling sustainability issues in your organisation.

Counter intuitive ways to take on another person’s point of view

Tools to get your team to see your point of view

Make the choice to respect perspectives
If you don’t know where you are starting from and the perspectives you are working with, you won’t be fully equipped for collaborative success. So, it’s important to make the conscious decision to understand how others currently see the world.
Also see our tools and tips to help you make choices and why not also read up on key choices that you can make today to make big and meaningful differences for our future.
Flex your empathy and compassion muscles
We all have the capacity for empathy. However, it is a skill that takes practice for most people. Here are seven practical tips to exercise and strengthen your empathy muscle. Compassion comes in three flavours: compassion with others, compassion with yourself, and the ability to receive someone else’s compassion. See how to actively integrate all three kinds of compassion into your life and work with these suggestions.
And, take a look at yourself!
If you have a negative mindset, you may find it tricky to understand anyone else's perspective or be open to altering your own. These tips will get you on a more positive path. Your mindset is so important for pretty much everything and our suggestions on stepping out of your comfort zone along with our tips on adopting a bold mindset will help you put most things into perspective and carve out a positive path to a brighter future.
Now read our write-up on understanding different points of view, which include examples of compassion and empathy in action.