We all make mistakes, for sure. It’s part of what makes us human.
But it’s no good crying over spilt milk. Making mistakes is a learning process so it’s important not to dwell on them but, instead, to own up to them and make it right.
So, this month we’re looking at how to maximise the opportunities that making mistakes can offer.
Take a look through our tips and tools to help you do just that and remember the great Albert Einstein’s words of wisdom:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Don’t give up…

Beating yourself up over mistakes or lack of success will only lead to unhelpful feelings, like shame and resentment. Here are eight things to tell yourself when you feel like a failure.
Keep learning

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’ll never do that again,” only to find yourself doing the exact same thing just a short time later? (Yes from me!) You’re not alone! These five tips will help you to learn from your mistakes.
There are benefits!

Life can throw so many uncertainties and variables our way that mistakes are inevitable. However, if we can embrace the reality of making mistakes, we can work to become more creative and dig up some interesting insights. This article lists 40 fabulous ways to harness the mistakes you make for your benefit.
How to learn from mistakes
This series of TED talks focus on missteps, mess-ups and misunderstandings and how they offer an opportunity to learn and grow.
Bounce back!

Knowing how to cope with failure in a healthy way will remove some of the fear out of failing, and it may reduce the pain so you can bounce back better than before. Here are 10 healthy ways to cope with failure.
The 5 whys Technique

Developed by Asana, the 5 Whys Technique helps to determine the root cause of problems, failures, and near-failures of all kinds. By implementing these recommendations, you’ll improve processes and learning, and avoid similar failures in the future.
The life-changing magic of not giving a ...

Daniel O'Connor, Warp It's Head of Customer Happiness, spotted this irreverent and practical book that is full of practical tools and advice on how to rid yourself of unwanted obligations, shame, and guilt. The 'Not Sorry Method' for mental decluttering will help you free your time, energy and money on the things that really matter.
As a taster, check out this brilliant quote:
"Improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you've failed at something. If someone is better than you at something, then it's likely she has failed at it more than you have. If someone is worse than you, it's likely because he hasn't been through all of the painful learning experiences you have. We can be truly successful only at something we're willing to fail at. If we're unwilling to fail, then we're unwilling to succeed."
Have you found these tips and tools useful? Do you have any you'd like to share with us?
Do you know someone who might benefit from giving one of them a go?
Please share away, and why not submit your comments below?