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Topic: What we love

What we love this April 2018

This month we’ve been looking at when and how to say no; sometimes it’s a must and you can read our tools and tips which are geared to helping you do just this.

In the meantime, we’ve gathered some stories that, frankly, you’ll find hard to say no to checking out! 

Going to the beach benefits your brain
As if we need an excuse to go on holiday and spend time on the beach!
Beach sun
It’s been scientifically proven that the beach is one of the best places to visit to alleviate stress and heal your brain. So, what are you waiting for?
Meanwhile, great things are happening on one beach in India where the largest clean-up in the world has taken place. Litter-picks and beach cleans-ups are, thankfully, becoming a popular activity and are certainly necessary. But not everyone has the drive to do what a young lawyer and environmentalist in Mumbai has accomplished. After nearly two years, his team picked up 11,684,500 pounds of trash, most of it plastic, that had accumulated along the shoreline. 

Similarly, Rehash Trash is a Green Gecko social enterprise in Cambodia working with over 100 former street children and their families turning dirty roadside rubbish into incredible stylish stuff. Awesome! 

Fancy doing your bit? Why not check out Precious Plastic? It’s a global community of hundreds of people working towards a solution to plastic pollution. Knowledge, tools and techniques are shared online, for free. So, everyone can start – including you! 

Resistance Is futile!
Have you ever tried to resist something only to find it impossible?
thinking person
Well of course you have. We all have! This article looks at the theory of using replacement to change habits; try it!
Getting out of our comfort zones  and facing the stuff that scares or intimidates you can be challenging. Nerve-wracking.  Something we'll shy away from. But facing up to challenges is definitely when great things happen. Entrepreneur Derek Sivers shares his (many) experiences of how embracing the things that scare him has guided his adventures. 

Young adults are rethinking their social media habits. Yes, really!
Despite popular assumptions that young adults are social media-obsessed, new data suggests that many have considered a temporary, and even permanent, reprieve from their newsfeeds. Read this to believe it! 
Facebook stop

And finally, out of the mouths of babes
Children say the funniest stuff and that’s probably why this list of things that kids have written to their parents or teachers is so hilarious. 
Hope you’ve enjoyed our round-up of things we love this April and do let us know your thoughts!

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Jennifer Clair Robson

Jennifer Clair Robson

Writing to make a difference because climate change, sustainability and the environment are issues close to my heart.

Topics: What we love

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