Each month we share a few things that we’ve spotted that inspire, amuse and entertain and these corkers put a smile on our faces!

This list of great things that happened in 2017 will restore your faith in humanity.
Last year it felt a bit like the global media picked up all of the problems, and none of the solutions. To fix that, here are 99 of the best stories from this year that you probably missed.
Do you feel that there are many life skills that we should have learned in school but never did?
There are a range of skills we don’t learn in school, but if we did surely it would affect how we approach college, university, our careers and relationships knowing what we do as adults. This enlightening article looks at this topic in depth.
We’re delighted that the mission to shun plastic is gathering pace. Buoyed by growing fears about the impact of plastic on the environment, milkmen are reporting an increase in interest for the traditional ‘pinta’. What great news this is! (Daniel, our Head of Customer Happiness worked as a milk boy back in the day so he is especially loving this!)
Similarly, refugees in the remote desert of southwest Algeria have been using plastic bottles to build houses that are designed to withstand the elements, and the UNHCR is investing in his project.
This innovative work is to be applauded!
And just for fun, finally the word cornichon is pronounced correctly! After all, these minuscule sour French pickles are: absolutely delicious so let’s get the pronunciation correct! Top tip from Becky: If you are ever wondering how to pronounce a word - search YouTube for the word and "correct pronunciation".
Hope you enjoy, and do let us know your thoughts!