Climate change is a big challenge and requires action at a large scale by all levels of government and business.
The good news is that we’re not alone! Governments, local authorities, communities, cities, businesses, schools, and other organisations recognise the urgency and are taking action. Fighting like our lives depend on it; because they do.
There are many reasons to feel that we are at a critical turning point and creating a positive vision for the future and engaged in shaping it, rather than feeling disempowered.
Here, we’ve gathered stories on the response to the climate emergency from governments and large organisations to community groups and grass-root campaigns around the world.
You’ll discover the many ways people, technology, and momentum have come together at a critical time, and the solutions that have great potential to make a huge impact to resolve a problem of this scale and severity.
Being positive and hopeful is an important way to combat climate change. The more we articulate the ability to get to that place, the more likely we are to be inspired and take the action needed.

The UK has also set new records for wind generation, and now that subsidy-free solar generation has proven possible, there are plans for the UK’s largest solar farm to provide the cheapest electricity on the grid.

2018 saw the largest annual increase in global renewable generation capacity ever, with new solar photovoltaic capacity outstripping additions in coal, natural gas and nuclear power combined. Here’s the full report.

Nearly every country in the world has agreed upon a legally binding framework to reduce the pollution from plastic waste according to United Nations environmental officials. The pact was approved by 187 countries, but not by the US.
Costa Rica plans to be first plastic-free and carbon-free country in worldCosta Rica is setting itself an aim of becoming the first country to be plastic and carbon-free by 2021. This huge target will see the country ban all carbons and single-use plastics and, if implemented in time, will make them the first country to be carbon and single-use plastic free in the world.

Three decades ago, the world experienced its worst nuclear accident to date. The damaged Chernobyl nuclear power plant released large quantities of radioactive material into the environment. But Chernobyl is now home to an amazing diversity of wildlife, its forests are expanding, and the future of the region is looking positive.

Few stories are as inspirational as this one about 83-year-old Antonio Vicente who has dedicated the past forty years of his life to reforesting the precious natural ecosystems of Brazil.

Knepp, a 3,500-acre farm based in West Sussex, was once a conventional dairy and arable operation. When Knepp’s owners, Charlie Burrell and Isabella Tree realised that intensive farming on the heavy Sussex clay was economically ruinous, they stepped back and let nature take over.

This project supports the survival of struggling pollinating insect populations. Run by Climate Action North, the Pollinator Park project plants British native ‘pollinator-friendly’ wildflowers, on land otherwise disused, to introduce safe havens to support the survival of struggling pollinating insect populations, such as butterflies and bees.
Refill campaign
Refill is a grassroots movement designed to help reduce plastic pollution at source by making it easier to reuse and refill your bottle with tap water rather than buy a new one. The Refill app is used to find local Refill Stations that welcome passers-by to top up their water bottles. Water great idea!
How scientists are radically changing how they live to cope with climate change

The most important thing I’ve done is restructure my life to tell as many people in as efficient and effective ways as I can,” one scientist said. “It is real. It is us. It is serious and there are solutions if we act now.” Here’s how climate scientists are, and aren’t, changing their lives.
This is just a glimpse of the positive action being taken. There's much more going on – why not share your stories with us and keep the positivity going?