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Five ways to reach your reuse resolutions

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to start new habits and bid farewell to old ones. 

But it can be hard to sustain the motivation to match our good intentions. As the excitement of a new goal is replaced by everyday tasks and reality, we often find ourselves slipping back into old and familiar routines.

It’s important to remember initial changes are likely to be the hardest part and as soon as they become habitual, they become much easier to maintain.

Here are five ways to help you reach your reuse and zero waste resolutions.


1. Set your intentions – and stick to them

Set your intentions

Having a powerful intention that you can align with your thoughts and attitude, can help guide your actions and cultivate a bigger impact. 

It’s important to make sure your intentions stick and that they turn into actions. Read our summary on tools and tips you can use to help you find and stick to your intentions, and can easily translate them into actions.

2. Keep it real

Keep it real

Managing your intentions and expectations is important. If they’re unrealistic, everyone involved will inevitably end up disappointed and it'll almost certainly have a negative impact on your wellbeing, and personal and professional relationships. Read our report on ways to reframe your thoughts to make expectations work for you. 

3. Remember the benefits!

circular heroes


Reuse is much better for the environment as products and materials are kept in use longer, and it’s a proven way to improve overall sustainability at organisations. Reuse saves money, minimises waste, and reduces consumption and the associated carbon impacts. It also is a great way to support charities and boost your social impact. See more about the benefits reuse offers. 

4. Consider the waste hierarchy 

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Reuse is a great way to prevent waste and it’s high on the waste hierarchy as it’s a more sustainable option than repurposing, recycling, or disposal. The waste hierarchy lays out steps to reduce waste before getting to the recycling stage. As a framework of waste management principles, it’s helpful when working toward zero waste. See our explanatory guide. 

5. Check out our top reuse tips

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From holding a stationery amnesty, setting up a reuse station, or organising clothes swaps and declutter days to embedding reuse into procurement policies and adding reuse into waste disposal policies, our top tips will help you easily start reusing in inspiring and engaging ways. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to realising your reuse goals! 

Make circularity a priority for your organisation and start reusing today. Take the online tour and get in touch to join the Warp It reuse community.

Read our guide to reuse.

Get even more tips to supercharge your reuse success.

Start reusing today and register with Warp It.


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Jennifer Clair Robson

Jennifer Clair Robson

Writing to make a difference because climate change, sustainability and the environment are issues close to my heart.


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