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"There's nothing to say. Our surplus asset reuse system is automatic. Warp It runs itself."

One of our customers was doing really well on our reuse system. I thought it would be a great idea to do a case study.  I called them up and the conversation went like this. 

Me: Hi Sarah. I am calling as per our appointment to do a case study on your reuse activities. 

Sarah: Hi Dan. Yes no problem. What's up?

Me: You are doing really well on the system. Saving £100,000's. I want to write a case study. How do you do it?

Sarah: Umm a case study might be stretching it. There is not much to say!  The system kinda runs itself. Staff add surplus assets when they want to dispose of an item. Staff claim surplus assets from the system rather than buying new. The porters move assets from A to B. I don't really get involved I just see the metrics spinning around and report to to the committee quarterly.

Me: Ok this is going to be a very short case study! How did you get to that point?

Sarah: We tweaked our procurement and disposal policies and communicated to the staff. 

Me: Were there any challenges? Things you would do differently?

Sarah: No it is a no brainer. Everyone gets it. What's not to get?


.....and this is how the conversation went!


So no real case study here! Just a signposting article which will help you to automise your reuse system.


Once the Warp It system is set up and the controls, communications and policy changes are in place, the reuse system runs itself. This is how other orgs automised their systems and tell me "It runs itself".

1) Get procurement to tweak their procedures to encourage checking Warp It. Follow this guide.

2) Tweak your disposal policy. Instead of staff requesting facilities to remove items for disposal, staff would add the assets to Warp It. This is to keep a constant supply. See here for guide.

3) Plenty of communications! See here. 


Please bear in mind that this is a bit of a journey to get to the point where your reuse programme or furniture reuse system is automatic across your estate . The key is incremental growth along the way. Guide here.

 You can download our 28 step guide to rolling out a reuse programme here.

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Daniel O'Connor

Daniel O'Connor

I use my time and experience to contribute to the transition to a regenerative sustainable society for all.


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