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Feature: tick box controls

by Becky

Almost anything can be reused.

This includes electrical equipment, office furniture, stationery, uniforms and corporate workwear, lab equipment, and medical equipment.

But sometimes there are certain terms and conditions to be followed.

This is when the tick box feature can be used.

This feature also allows you to ask questions when members add items or claim items.

What is the problem we are solving?

When members are adding items or claiming items they may need to adhere to certain conditions. This might be to remove an item from the asset register, for instance, to check that an item has been disinfected, or to ensure any applicable regulations and legislations are followed.

This helps you manage risk and expectations, and control behaviours when adding assets into the Warp It reuse system.

What is the feature?

The feature gives the ability to confirm to certain requirements when needed.

By adding a tick box function, or extra customisable fields, questions can be answered, requirements confirmed, or instructions followed.

It can, for example, ask for confirmation of authority to put the asset into the reuse system, confirm that the asset has been removed from the asset register, confirm the value of an item, or address any concerns around meeting process controls and standards.

Watch the video at the bottom of this article for more details.

What do you need to know?

Go to admin> control users and scroll down to the controls.

Possible issues
We recommend only using this feature when necessary.

For example, when reusing items that must be disinfected, are of high value, or must meet legislative requirements.

As with anything, the harder you make a process the less people will engage so only ask relevant questions.

Implement this feature in stages and monitor progress.

Review regularly to make sure it is working effectively for your reuse programme.

Let us know if you have any feedback.

Need help? 

To book a screen share session to go over this feature, or any other Warp it features, please get in touch and email becky@warp-it.co.uk.



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