Coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understand that they may need help to find the answer.
The essential part is to learn to silence that pesky inner-voice and allow your instincts to take over.
Sometimes that may mean distracting it, and other times it’s about exploring the ‘worst case scenario’ and removing the fear.
Here’s some things we love on coaching and being coached.
Choose why to help out others

Our Head of Customer happiness, Daniel O’Connor, listened to this great podcast the other day about coaching and thought you might like it.
Basically, when someone asks us a question we want to jump in and help out. According to this chap, this is wrong. We want to be the hero by fixing the problem but by being the hero we potentially create perpetual victims who don't sort their own problems out AND suck in our time.
Here's an article which summarises the podcast.
World’s worst boss?

Even if you’re not self-employed, your boss is still you. You manage your career, your day, your responses, and your life. But are you doing it well? This blog looks at this conundrum.
What nobody tells you about finding mentors

To quote from this article: “We need to stop telling them, ‘Get a mentor and you will excel,’ Instead we need to tell them, ‘Excel and you will get a mentor.” This and more in the insightful blog about the perils of finding a mentor!
How to overcome your limits!
Watch this football coach teach a valuable lesson. The lesson that the only limits we have are the limits we place on ourselves. Great stuff!
We hope you've enjoyed this month's round-up of things we've loved. Do get in touch with your tips and tales on coaching and mentoring.
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