Why do we publish our customer happiness ratings publicly?
Basically because they are really good!!
But we do also publish the bad ones!
Welcome, welcome, bring your biggest smile this way! We are here to explain quite frankly exactly why we publish our customer happiness ratings, what purpose it serves and who benefits from it. It may strike some people who come across the Warp It system, or website, as a little bit odd, to be so transparent, but we see it as a reflection of how we do business.
Want to see what our users are saying about us? View our customer happiness page here.
Keeps us accountable
By giving our users the opportunity to tell us how happy, or unhappy, they are, we become much better informed on what we can do to improve our product and service. We have no desire to be the kind of business that takes advantages of its customers, in fact, quite the opposite! We are here to help you, and the whole system shows this.
"We are seeing impressive savings, both monetary and carbon! Warp It is brilliant, it has changed the face of re-use for organisations forever and for the better!"
- Lucy Ardnt, Sustainability Officer, University of St Andrews
Keeps us focused
There’s no sitting back or slacking, we are constantly looking for new avenues to improve our product, service and content to keep you well informed and with all of the best features. We want our customer happiness figures to keep on rising, and so we are focused on continual improvement.
It’s Daniel’s job to make you happy!
Daniel: “When we set Warp It up in 2011, I thought the name 'director' was a bit too grand. So I opted for founder; because that's what people in start-ups call themselves.
After a couple of years, I knew the business was going to survive, even thrive. So I had the confidence to start to think about a better job title which reflected what I actually did.
So, when we were forced to reprint our business cards it prompted me to rethink my job title.
I facilitate the reuse of surplus assets for organisations. So reusing surplus assets, I thought maybe I shall call myself 'Head of Reuse' or 'Head Matchmaker'.
Then I thought what about what I actually do – I solve problems to take away some pain from my customers. I identified the reuse of surplus assets was causing organisations some pain a few years ago, but it took me a while to figure out how to stop it. I solve this problem for my customers. I take away that pain.
I’m a problem solver. I'm a provider of solutions. I'm a fixer of systems...and this makes my customers happy.
And so the job title "Head of Customer Happiness" was born.”
Feedback is sent to the particular organisation
When feedback comes through, we receive a notification. We assess the positive or negative feedback and we send a copy over to whomever manages Warp It at the organisation the feedback came from. This allows us to open a dialogue with them and find out if there’s something missing, or to give them credit for masterfully managing the system.
Keeps us reactive to advice
We are both proactive and reactive, though it takes a certain amount of feedback and customer happiness knowledge to be reactive. We built the system we thought was needed, but it wasn’t until users started telling us what was missing that we started adding all of the amazing features that you’ve come to know and love. This process allows us to quickly and effectively solve problems.
"I would definitely recommend the system. It has solved all the issues we had trying to reuse assets. We have rolled the system out to other large organisations in the city"
- Dianne Pattison, Policy Officer, Sunderland City Council
Final words from Daniel on how customer happiness functions
“We now ask our customers how happy they are with our service. Our customers can rate us anywhere between 1 and 10 for our performance. '10' being the most awesome and '1' being the most terrible.
If they mark us between us '1' and '6', we send them to a page which asks them: How can we be better? How can we make your life better? How can we make you happier?
If we get a mark between '8' and '10', we send them to a thank you page and we ring a "virtual" bell in the "virtual" office! We ask the customer to give us a quote to let us know what they think of the service also.
We are averaging 8.6/10 on our customer happiness metric and I am super glad to have this feedback mechanism, so that we are in touch with our customers and can always make sure that our customers are as happy as we can make them!”