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Public favours reusing clothing over recycling

Research commissioned by Green Alliance shows the public wants to increase the reuse of clothes. According to a YouGov poll, conducted on behalf of Green Alliance, over . . .

It’s time to empty our "drawers of doom"

New research has found we hoard 880 million unused electrical items and throw away 103,000 tonnes of electricals. The recycling campaign group estimates we've gone from . . .

Get ready for the Great British Spring Clean

Each day millions of things that could be reused end up being thrown away. The Keep Britain Tidy charity inspires people to end waste now and for future generations. Its . . .

Waste not, want not: reusing preloved electrical goods

E-waste, or waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), is the planet’s fastest-growing waste stream. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) an . . .

Zero in on reuse to boost circularity

Sustainability experts have issued an urgent call for a ‘seismic cultural shift’ towards reuse to solve the growing waste and pollution crisis. A BRITA UK paper shows . . .

Reach out! With a newsletter

A newsletter is a brilliant way to build trust with the right people, get them involved with your reuse project, and spread the word. Whether you want staff to adopt . . .

Get the most out of a spring clean

In this guide we'll give you seven nifty hacks to use both in the office at at home, for getting the most out of a clean desk and space. The goal is to increase . . .

A Guide to Sales or Donations to Your Staff body.

Sometimes you do not find a match for your surplus assets internally or even within the community. But you do not want to send those assets to landfill. You work in a . . .

Did You Get One of Our Savings Certificates?

If you did receive a certificate, you’ll know what we are talking about, and if you didn’t, you might be asking ‘Hey! Where’s mine?’. Well, for those in the know, you’ll . . .


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