Storytelling isn’t just reserved for bedtime rituals, it’s one of the most powerful ways to increase motivation and inspiration in others.
Stories bring things to life. They tap into our imagination to do and see things in a different way.
They help us understand and touch our emotions. The best stories make us think: “How can I do that?” “What would I do in that situation?” “What would it be like if I could achieve that?”
To help you channel your inner storyteller, read our tips and tools to get inspired.
As author, Robin Moore, said: “Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.”

Stories are influential learning and knowledge sharing tools. Here’s our tools and tips to help you begin.
The power of storytelling

Stories have been used to hand down learning and knowledge for thousands of years. A good story engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination. Clare Patey, Director of the Empathy Museum, and Cathy Irving, Director of Communications at the Health Foundation, talk about the transformative power of storytelling and its potential to bring about change.

You have your own unique set of skills, knowledge and experience so think about all the ways you can use it to impact others’ objectives. In fact, it’s a waste of your time NOT to share your story because if you keep all those experiences to yourself then others will have to go through the same process of learning. Here we share our 11 reasons why you should share your story by speaking at events and workshops.

You can use storytelling regularly as a technique to motivate and inspire people with stories about others who’ve done a good job. Follow these easy tips to use writing and telling stories.

By sharing stories that illustrate the desired changes you’re striving to make, you’ll give people a personal role to identify with and the motivation to change. Yes, it’s an art; a skill; but with practise and focus you can achieve great things using stories. Here’s five things not to do when creating and telling your stories in the work scenario of meetings presentations or public speaking!

When you reach the top you have to share your story. Let us help you...
If you win an award as part of a project you have delivered, it's your responsibility to make sure that everybody knows about the journey that you've been on! Read this blog about why you should share your story.
How to use storytelling as a leadership tool
Some of the most successful companies in the world use storytelling very intentionally as an inspirational leadership tool. This article looks at how to use storytelling as a leadership tool, ways that storytelling can make leaders more effective, why storytelling it important, and more.
Your communications team is brilliant. They can help you tell your story!
You’re good at what you do, and the communications team are good at what they do. So, work smart and get them to help you tell your story. Here’s our advice on how engage the communications people and use their tools and techniques.
Quick actions to tell your reuse story
Maximise your impact and tell your story with our tools and ideas that are easy to produce but have a big impact. Just pick one to do every week or month and you’ll chip away at culture change without much effort and inspire others at the same time.
Reach out! With a newsletter
A newsletter is an awesome way to tell your stories, engage with your stakeholders, collaborate and ignite inspiration. This article will take five minutes to read and will help you towards your objectives if you want to change behaviour and influence others with your stories.
As if this isn't enough, now read our blog on being the inspiration others are looking for!