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University College London achieves big wins thanks to reuse

University College London (UCL) is approaching an impressive £2 million in savings thanks to reuse with Warp It. 

Reusing office furniture and medical equipment has also saved £17,448 in waste costs and in donations of £23,89,00 to charitable causes.

The programme has seen an incredible variety of items reclaimed. From 144 table tennis balls and salt and pepper pots to a Chinese tea set complete with teapot and cups, Halloween decorations, a tent, and even a skateboard, UCL has demonstrated the versatility of materials that can be reused rather than discarded.

Ian Davison took on the role of Waste Manager just four months ago, and is responsible for the reuse system. He said:

“UCL is a very large estate and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We have set an ambitious goal to reduce waste per person by 20 percent. Our approach focuses on reducing, reusing, repairing, and sharing to not only save money but diverts waste from incineration."

Warp It has become a key tool in the university’s sustainability strategy, with support from both the procurement and waste departments. The system prevents the need for new purchases and is actively used by over 400 regular staff members.


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Above: The reuse programme has seen an incredible variety of items reclaimed.


Ian said:

“By checking Warp It before making new purchases or disposing of old items, we support the university’s waste reduction goals aligning with our broader commitment to sustainability. This approach reduces resource consumption and fosters a circular economy.”


UCL has also broadened the scope of its reuse efforts by collaborating with a diverse range of partners across the country. This includes charities, schools, charities, other universities, and NHS Trusts. These partnerships enhance UCL’s reuse efforts and promote a culture of sustainability both within and outside the university community.

Ian concluded:

"Looking ahead, we are committed to expanding our reuse network both within UCL and beyond. The increased use of Warp It will be crucial to our success in achieving our waste reduction and sustainability targets. The platform has been crucial in achieving our remarkable £2 million in savings, and advancing our goals of waste reduction and overall sustainability.

“Furthermore, the Warp It team is exceptional, and consistently offer innovative ideas to boost our reuse efforts. Their support helps us achieve significant savings, support charitable causes, and move towards a more resource-efficient future."

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Jennifer Clair Robson

Jennifer Clair Robson

Writing to make a difference because climate change, sustainability and the environment are issues close to my heart.


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