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Treemendous Tree Planting Proposal for Warp It members

If you want to plant some trees then this is for you.....

Extending the lifespan of products by reuse and repair reduces manufacturing and transport and thus avoids carbon emissions.

We track carbon savings on our system and express this as the theoretical "number of trees planted" equivalent.

We would actually like to express this more visibly and actually plant the number of trees in real life! 


In this article we make a proposal to plant trees with our customers and their community. 


We are seeking partners to take part in a tree planting project where we actually plant the number of trees equivalent to the carbon your organisation has saved by reusing items on Warp It.




Expressing carbon savings

Expressing your carbon savings from reuse is a wonderful activity, but it’s incredibly difficult  to visualise what 30,000KG CO2e , for example, looks like. 

At the start of Warp It, we included some metrics that could be tracked, such as the carbon from the manufacturing process, but then we realised we had to make things more digestible.

Therefore, we show that for every 780Kg of carbon saved by reuse, is the equivalent to planting one oak tree. So, for an organisation that had saved 30,000Kg of carbon through reuse, we could show that it was equivalent to planting 38 oak trees.


A theoretical metric… or is it?

Our users enjoyed the tree comparison, however some users, would ask us


‘Oh, so have you planted these trees because we reused those items?'


We’d respond politely that it was just a theoretical metric.


trees cars equivalent

How can we plant more trees?

More recently, the world has embraced the sustainability issue, with one thing that has become very popular being the concept of re-wilding, or essentially letting nature recover.

This will be one of the major strategies for nations to sequester carbon.


I’ve been asking myself the question


‘How can I plant more trees with my family and kids?’,

but I realised that I should also be asking the same with customers!

So, I started looking into it and realised that we could actually start planting the trees that our customers save the "theoretical" equivalent in carbon of each year.

I was curious to see how this could be funded and found that the Woodland Trust will donate 450 trees in a given period to local projects.

The legal owner of the land must agree to the tree planting, the community must be involved in some way, and there must be some public access to the land too. If we have those things, we can make an application for tree planting.


Great ideas must take root: Our proposal


We would like to work with customers and the community to plant trees.

We will plant the number of trees which are equivalent to the carbon you have saved via your reuse efforts. 

We are looking for Warp It customers that would like to take part in this project.

We would like to team up the efforts of the organisation, with schools and charities/community groups to carry out the planting and 3 year maintenance as a outreach project.

Warp It would administrate the project, get everyone on board and linked up, develop an action plan and facilitate the whole process.



What is in this for your organisation ?


  • Good news story about rewilding and reuse
  • Increases participation in reuse programme
  • Helps in your staff team/community building objectives
  • Helps in your community outreach objectives
  • Low cost in terms of finance
  • Forms part of your rewilding strategy
  • Increase biodiversity
  • Increase staff happiness!


Could this be an easy win?

Your estates may already have a grounds department.

You already have a staff body and physical resource to plant trees and maintain.

Warp It will administer the programme 


You can choose between planting

  • Fruit bearing trees
  • Hedgerows
  • Trees for encouraging wildlife
  • Trees which provide fuel
  • and more....!


What do we need from you?

The customer would provide

  • Agreement from the landowner (you might be the landowner)
  • Resources in the form of staff manual help for the planting and maintaining of the trees (over 3 years)

We need customers who own land or who can get landowners permission to plant trees. 

We’d need to use some staff and community manual labour, which we believe would be a great opportunity for team building and mental health objectives.

We can get local schools, patients and charities in the area to take part also. 

The project would be for the planting and ongoing maintenance of the trees for 3 years.

We are hoping to get 10 customers in the first year of this project and then we can 'branch' it out across the whole network, with the idea being that eventually, we can plant every theoretical tree.

If you want to take part in this project there are 2 rounds of application. The first is for November this year with a deadline in the next couple of weeks. The second is for March next year.



Please get in touch if you would like to be part of this.


This offer is available to UK, Ireland, NZ, Australia and North America customers- as long as we can find a local tree planting fund to help.


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Daniel O'Connor

Daniel O'Connor

I use my time and experience to contribute to the transition to a regenerative sustainable society for all.


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