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Quick and easy Christmas declutter message to staff

The lead-up to Christmas is the perfect time to organise an office declutter in preparation for a fresh New Year. Setting up a declutter campaign at any time of the year . . .

Get the most out of a spring clean

In this guide we'll give you seven nifty hacks to use both in the office at at home, for getting the most out of a clean desk and space. The goal is to increase . . .

Help us help NHS & other frontline workers

In an effort to help protect frontline NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve launched an online marketplace for businesses to donate vital equipment and . . .

Assisted donations: How Ben can help you increase your external donations

If you need help to donate more assets into schools and charities then Ben can help you! Ben Lynch is the Partnership Manager at Warp It. In his role, he is responsible . . .

Treemendous Tree Planting Proposal for Warp It members

If you want to plant some trees then this is for you..... Extending the lifespan of products by reuse and repair reduces manufacturing and transport and thus avoids . . .

Schools 4 Climate Action: Student Guide & Templates

We have been absolutely stunned, amazed, and inspired by the Schools 4 Climate Action movement that has been started by young environmental activist Greta Thunberg. As . . .

Downloads, Templates & Guides to Help You Make Reuse Mainstream in Your Organisation

Save time, get our templates! This page links to all of the templates that you will need to publicise and embed your furniture and equipment reuse program in a smooth . . .

New! Warp It Wednesday Campaign

Leeds Teaching Hospital are one of our customers. Every Wednesday their porters pick up any surplus furniture and transfer it to a new home using our system. They call . . .

Get Ready for your CQC Audit With our FREE Graphics Package

Dear Warp It members who are part of the NHS, this post and download have been made especially with you in mind. If you aren’t a member of the NHS, and you have no idea . . .


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