The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has exposed major weaknesses in the economy as well as deep-seated inequalities in our society.
Yet, our sudden, dramatic shift to a less carbon-intensive lifestyle reveals the scope of what we can achieve in just days.
As the world recovers, we have a chance to reset the clock and build back better than before. We have written about why we need to seize the moment previously, but now we need to continue and the build momentum.
What happens next could change everything.
These actionable tips and tool will keep us moving forward to drive the necessary changes to survive and flourish in a post-pandemic world.
Join the #BuildBackBetter campaigns

A true recovery isn’t about putting things back together the way they were. Instead, it is about aligning markets with the natural, social and economic systems, building resilience, driving equitable and sustainable growth, and reinventing capitalism itself. Read about this here.
The Build Back Better campaigns channel the community spirit into rebuilding society for the better, by urging the government to provide a new deal that puts people, not profits, first. It brings together a broad range of organisations including NGOs, unions, businesses and health workers to campaign for a recovery that protects public services, creates good jobs, tackles inequality and the climate crisis. See the main websites at and
Navigate to a new normal with this health-check

This health-check is intended to be a thought-provoking tool for leaders during the pandemic. It provides succinct and clear insight into common pitfalls of organisations which fail through adversity as well as defining what great can look like, and what organisations ‘getting it right’ stand to gain.
199 free tools to help you through the pandemic

A simple, organised list of free products and services from all types of companies and communities designed to help organisations, teams and families. And all for free. Well worth checking out.
Our new reuse guide
Our new reuse guide

As we build a new and better world, this new guidance is designed to ensure that furniture equipment and asset reuse can be carried out safely. It’ useful for internal and external reuse including the need to transfer items from the site to members working from home. You can also add customisable messages on your Warp It system.
Spread the word, mentor others

If you have the passion and you want to make big changes, this is for you. Set big goals and by joining our online sustainability mentorship community and increase your Impact.
Join the conversation

We host a monthly reuse drop-in session, open to everybody, where we discuss reuse in organisations, the wider circular economy, sustainability and anything else that crops up. The informal sessions will give you so much value that it’ll become an unmissable appointment in your calendar. After all, we're all in this together. More details here.
Ways to turn the Covid-19 recovery green

As we call for action to reverse nature loss, strengthen net-zero carbon goals and the circular economy, we need some quick wins in order to build support and participation among citizens and investors. Here are five ways to create a green recovery.
These recommendations for a sustainable recovery focus on policies to promote equity, resilience and green growth, to ensure that the measures taken now mark an entry point to a global green new deal and ensure a sustainable, just and resilient recovery.
Steps for self-assessment and growth

To survive and flourish in a new normal, leaders must be willing to change. These three steps will jump start your self-assessment for successful leadership to meet the demands of a different future.
Feeling stuck? Try these tips

If you feel stuck and don’t have a real sense of how to take the next step forward, try these actionable lessons, which have been vetted through extensive use.
These 10 strategies can help you keep moving forward to reaching your goals, you’ll get lots of ideas on how to seize the moment here, and discover how to accomplish big things for yourself and those around you here. Our article about beating procrastination is also worth a read and don’t forget that mistakes are the steps to wisdom!
Now why not head over to our round-up of inspirational reasons and ways to move forward and create a new, better normal?