What matters most to you?
We know that tackling complex challenges such as the climate crisis, reuse, sustainability are matters close to your heart. And realising a better, more inclusive normal requires purpose and strength in our daily activities.
Having a powerful intention that you can align your attitude and thoughts with, can help guide your actions and cultivate a bigger impact in your overall path.
Setting intentions is slightly different to setting objectives or goals; rather, it’s purpose or attitude that you’re proudly committed to and want to align with in everything that you do.
It’s important to make sure your intentions stick and that they turn into actions so we’ve outlined some tools and tips to help you find and stick to your intentions here, and below we summarise some great achievable intentions that can easily be translated into actions.
Set great intentions after the year that was 2020
This past year has brought tremendous change and much trauma for most us so now is a good time to set intent for the coming months. These six resolutions are work-focussed yet personally beneficial, this is an insightful analysis on determining which parts of the new normal we will incorporate into the new new normal, and here are 50 good resolutions each with a nugget of advice to change your life for the better.

It’s a waste of your time NOT to share your story because if you keep all those experiences to yourself then others will have to go through the same process of learning. To enter a new chapter and channel your inner storyteller, read our tips and tools and our blog on being an inspiration for others.
We’re after good news stories so if you 've created, or are planning, an ambitious reuse or sustainability project then let us create a case study for you. Get all the details.
Stop procrastinating. Now!

Sorry to sound bossy, but if you want to create and live the life of your dreams there’s no room for dawdling! Learn how to stop procrastinating; that way you can spend your time and energy on what you truly care about, while making your intentions a positive reality. Consider what is actually stopping you by reading our suggestions on how to infuse your life with your life with action and for inspiration see our round up of fabulous stories showing intentions turned into actions to spark your motivation and get you on the right track to fulfilling your good intentions.
Here Daniel O'Connor, Warp It's founder and Head of Customer Happiness, shares his tried and tested ways to avoid distractions, and be well-prepared on what you want to achieve during the day, week, month or year. And if all that's not enough, here we also have a whole series of actionable ways to help you improve your decision-making skills.

As Deepak Chopra said: “Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.” If you’re struggling to pick the right words for you, then you have to figure out what you need the most. Here are some honest examples to help you get started and these questions, along with a list of over 300 word of the year ideas, will get you thinking .