You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has emphasised that we must pursue a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery. Nevertheless, we have to remember that the pandemic probably won’t automatically bring everyone to their senses and provide the correct course of action.
And it isn’t going to happen overnight either.
We’ve written about seizing the moment and bouncing forward previously, but we’re in for the long haul and the need for action remains urgent. So, we must think smarter, stay focused, and adopt a bold and positive mindset.
Here we have ideas and inspiration to help you stay persistent and determined, no matter how disheartened you may feel, in the continued fight for a better, fairer future.
Hang in there and stay tenacious!

Reframing techniques can be simple and easy way to help manage adverse situations. It can turn a stressful event into either major trauma or a challenge to be overcome. Get the gist of reframing, and start practising it and this article is also worth reading for a deeper understanding of this technique.

The very best businesses understand that by learning and sharing expertise they can leapfrog the timeline and achieve sustainability quicker. Get to where you want to be faster and join our online sustainability mentorship community. You can mentor or be mentored.
Pick your SDG

Nobody can be successful in a world that fails and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the basis for a solid and enabling environment. They lay out where we need to go and how to get there and can be used within large organisations, corporations and communities. Pick the goals that matter the most to your organisation and get on track to embedding them and achieving results.
Be part of the Plan

The People’s Plan exists to make sure the people’s voice is heard in the quest for a green recovery. If the economy is going to be redesigned and restarted, we all must have a say.
1. Petitioning the government to enshrine a green recovery at national level (petition)
2. Collectively emailing our MPs and councillors with highly personalised messages
3. Holding a nationwide virtual public consultation on how a green recovery can work in everyone’s local area

Perseverance, next to adaptability is the most important skill you can have. And it’s just that, a skill. These killer strategies for never giving up will help you to stop giving up! Achieve the Impossible, by Greg Whyte, explores how we all have the ability to achieve what others may tell you is impossible with proper planning, preparation and vision.

Is your reaction in keeping with the situation? It may be stressful, frustrating and annoying but can you recover from the situation? If the answer is yes, then chances are you’re blowing things out of proportion. Here are 10 ways you can keep really calm and sail through any stressful situation.

Are You a procrastinator? Well you need to stop! A raft of psychological studies have examined why we put things off and how to stop. Here are the top takeaways.

There is, understandably, a great deal of fear during the present circumstances. Fear of the unknown. Uncertainty about the future.
Bouncing back from adversity can be exhausting, so now read we love persistence and resilience.