You work hard and achieve great reuse results. But do the right people know about it? Do you stand out in the crowd?
People are busy, organisations even more dispersed as hybrid and remote ways of working take hold, and technology is changing how we work. Your high-performing reuse projects can be overlooked with everything else that’s going on.
It’s important to shout about your reuse project success to generate good publicity, raise your profile, and attract engagement.
Don’t be shy; success attracts support allowing you to ensure reuse in your organisation remains a key activity in overall sustainability and net zero goals.
As Oscar Wilde mused:
These tools and tips will set you on the right path to promote your reuse work and get the attention it deserves.“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

Make use of your metrics

Facts don’t lie and luckily the Warp It system crunches the numbers, so you don’t have to. Using this the data will demonstrate the power of reuse in terms of cost, carbon, and waste savings, and highlight how those results are a direct reflection of your work. Read more about Warp It metrics and discover our methodology right here.

A good incentive will persuade a people to take a certain action or motivate them to engage with you. Give a gift away to increase engagement with your reuse system. You can give away small things to staff who engage with your system, or you can give away big things in a prize draw. Find out how an incentive can increase participation in your reuse program, and you’ll also get a free communications template to download. Also see our invaluable tips for creating a buzz by rolling out a reuse project across large organisations along with a downloadable guide.
Use guerrilla tactics

One problem we hear about is that Warp It members sometimes max out the goodwill of their communications department. The communications team have hundreds of messages to push, so sometimes reuse falls to the back of the queue. Without them on side, it can make it tricky to promote your reuse project but there is a solution. These communications tricks, garnered from the Warp It community, will help you with promote your reuse success without the need for the communications department's involvement or permission.
Speak up

Give a talk, hold a webinar, arrange a workshop. Speak up for your cause and tell others about the reuse success you have and want to build on. We go as far as to say it is a waste of your time NOT to speak up and share your story because if you keep all those experiences to yourself then others won’t get involved and will have to go through the same process of learning. See our reasons why you should speak at events and workshops.

Share the spotlight
Achievements can be shared. Giving credit where it’s due to colleagues, reuse supporters and other environmental campaigns taking place will allows you to promote your accomplishments while supporting others. And that support often has a way of coming back around. Your reputation for professional integrity and the strength of your network are worth their weight in gold. See how it's done and read this example of how Nottingham University shouts about the Green Impact scheme AND the Warp It reuse initiative.
Don’t hold back
Promoting your reuse success will require a level of boldness and courage. It’s not the time to be shy. Discover and unleash your boldness with our tips and tools and you can accomplish anything. It’s also important not to let others stop you. See our advice right here on how to effectively deal with the naysayers.
Use feedback
The best endorsements come from someone else. It could be a person pleased with their reuse result; a charity who has received donations, or a senior manager who recognises your effort. If you receive compliments be sure to share them on social, in newsletters, blogs, or other marketing material, for maximum exposure.
Tell your story
Showcasing the accomplishments of your project is one of the most effective ways to gain visibility, extend your network, and build relationships. Stories and case studies will make sure others understand your reuse project, the benefits, what you’re trying to achieve, and how they can get involved. It’s your responsibility to make sure that everybody knows about the journey that you've been on! Read this blog about why you should share your story and here’s our tools and tips to help you begin. This advice will help you tell stories that motivate others.
Writing a case study will give you great material to shout about your reuse success. This will help engage staff and will support your work by getting the attention of key stakeholders and decision makers. Get guidance here.
Get inspiration with these stories of Warp It reuse heroes in action along with our round-up of donations given to charities, schools and other third sector organisations by the big-hearted Warp It community.
Let us do the hard work
If you’re a Warp It customer we’re on hand to tell your story and shout about your reuse success. Let us help you increase your impact and repeat your project in other organisations by writing a case study and sharing it on our website, in our newsletter and on our social media channels. See how here.
Take five minutes to check out all the reasons why shouting about your reuse success is so important.