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Talking Sustainable Healthcare Tech With Rachael Moses, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals

In this article we welcome Rachael Moses, Consultant Respiratory Physiotherapist at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, to talk about her recent triumph and award in the . . .

Equipment and furniture reuse network: Inter agency trading of surplus assets

As far as we know, no other service allows organisations like schools, municipal councils, healthcare , central government, charities and private sector, to trade and . . .

Talking Repair & Reuse With Clare Topping, Northampton General Hospital

Warp It welcomes back Clare Topping from Northampton General Hospital to talk about challenges, getting people to think differently, repair and reuse, and how . . .

How To Collaborate and Build Support Internally - Signpost

Welcome! If you’ve seen our other signpost articles on getting people to buy in to your ideas, and the benefits of Warp It to the healthcare sector, just to name a . . .

Should we build an in house reuse system or get an off the shelf solution?

We assume you are here because you want to get reuse embedded into your organisation. We also assume you have tried "word of mouth" reuse and realised you did not get . . .

New Year Clearout

New Year Declutter Campaign. We recently produced a Christmas Reuse Campaign and associated materials. Some customers asked for something similar for New Year. So here . . .

Want to Make Reuse as Easy as Buying New? Optimize the Wishlist!

If you want reuse to become 2nd nature in your organisation you need to get the wishlist function working for you! When wishlists are maximised three great things . . .

The City of Sunderland and the Sharing Economy

We’ve seen our partners do amazing things, such as win national awards, save tens of thousands of pounds worth of equipment from going to landfill, and put together . . .

Communications campaign download: Don't buy it. Warp It. Don't bin it. Warp It.

Materials for a reuse campaign At the end of this article you can download materials such as screen savers, email signatures, social media images and posters to use to . . .


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