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Training and Support for Your Reuse Program

We deliver the following support and training to get your reuse system off to a flying start, or to supplement an existing scheme. You will find this article very useful . . .

Reuse Within & Between Organisations: Warp It Regional Workshops

Video by Reel: Creative Social Video Making Reuse Mainstream Our aim is to make reuse repair and redistribution of surplus assets, furniture and equipment mainstream . . .

The one reason facilities managers should support and encourage reuse

Q: Why should facilities managers get involved with reuse? A: Reuse is a great way to illustrate the effectiveness of the FM or estates team There are lots of reasons . . .

Donating furniture and equipment to charity, an insiders point of view.

"Claiming the items has been very simple. You pick the number of items you want, you claim them, and then you’re just arranging a collection. It’s very sleek." -Paul . . .

Tidy Friday Campaign - Get Ready To Clear Your Desks!

'I hate belongings. I hate clutter. It really bothers me because I can't think properly. If you've got distractions in front of you, your mind goes nuts.' -Simon Cowell . . .

'Flexible & Sustainable Clearances', Micaela Basford, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Warp It are pleased to welcome Micaela Basford, Corporate Sustainability Officer at Bath and North East Somerset Council. Micaela has kindly joined us to talk about . . .

What we love Jan 2017

Every month we share a few things that we’ve spotted that inspire, amuse and entertain. This month we’re picking a random selection from across our staff! When a . . .

Our tips and tools this January 2018

Each month we share useful tips and tools that we’ve spotted that inspire, amuse or entertain. To mark the beginning of 2018, it’s timely to focus on getting stuff done . . .

Dump the junk!

Reuse is the perfect opportunity to help your staff get that "Ahhh I've got a clear and tidy space" feeling We want to make it easier for you to increase staff . . .


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