East Lancashire NHS Trust saves over £391,000 and cuts waste with Warp It
East Lancashire NHS Trust has made significant strides in cost savings and sustainability by using Warp It to reuse and redistribute surplus items. The Trust has . . .
Recent Articles
East Lancashire NHS Trust has made significant strides in cost savings and sustainability by using Warp It to reuse and redistribute surplus items. The Trust has . . .
With Black Friday driving an estimated £3 billion in UK sales, this annual event has become a major fixture in the retail calendar sparking a buying frenzy that fuels . . .
Depending on your project circumstances or requirements, or the type of commodities that are being traded Warp It reuse system, you may need to find items at various . . .
Nottingham Trent University (NTU) has saved more than £152,000 by reusing 760 desks, thanks to a project led by its Facilities Team. Instead of buying new desks, the . . .
Since the beginning of 2024, the University of Salford has successfully reused over £30,000 worth of office furniture through Warp It. In just nine months, reusing has . . .
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust has made significant strides in sustainability, saving over £104,000 in just 18 months by using Warp It to reuse unwanted items. By . . .
University College London (UCL) is approaching an impressive £2 million in savings thanks to reuse with Warp It. Reusing office furniture and medical equipment has also . . .
Sustainability professionals face a myriad of challenges; from economic pressures and rising expenses to the ongoing tasks of reducing environmental impact, and . . .
Coventry University Group’s dedication to environmental responsibility has been significantly bolstered by the impactful success of reusing with Warp It. Reusing a range . . .
The Warp It reuse system is a network where charities and schools can access free assets like stationery, chairs, desks, cabinets, and sports equipment. There's no . . .
Research commissioned by Green Alliance shows the public wants to increase the reuse of clothes. According to a YouGov poll, conducted on behalf of Green Alliance, over . . .
New research has found we hoard 880 million unused electrical items and throw away 103,000 tonnes of electricals. The recycling campaign group estimates we've gone from . . .
Each day millions of things that could be reused end up being thrown away. The Keep Britain Tidy charity inspires people to end waste now and for future generations. Its . . .
The University of Exeter has diverted 100 tonnes of carbon emissions, visually equivalent to 100 hot air balloons, in just five years thanks to the Warp It reuse scheme. . . .
Hywel Dda University Health Board scooped a Nursing Times Award in 2023 for its cost savings and waste reduction through sustainable procurement. The Health Board’s . . .
Warp It has launched an asset resell service allowing its users to sell items which are of a high value. Re-commerce is the process of selling second hands goods and has . . .
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to start new habits and bid farewell to old ones. But it can be hard to sustain the motivation to match our good . . .
The University of Plymouth has saved £60,000 in 12 months by using the Warp it reuse initiative. Savings came from reusing office furniture and stationery, instead of . . .
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust is the latest organisation to embrace reuse as it works to achieve the national NHSE net zero targets and their own Green Plan. . . .
Reuse is a great way to prevent waste. It’s high on the waste hierarchy and is a more sustainable option than repurposing, recycling, or disposal. However, a report . . .
A community group helping humanitarian efforts in war-torn Ukraine has sent a huge amount of donations supplied by the Warp It reuse community. North Norfolk Aid for . . .
Depending on your project circumstances or requirements, or the type of commodities that are being traded, you may need to turn off the ability for staff to upload items . . .
The University of Cambridge has reached £853,435 in savings in just a year thanks to reusing with Warp It. The figure represents a 117 percent increase on the £418,000 . . .
Five hospital trusts in Lancashire and South Cumbria have saved over £80,000 in just five months thanks to reusing with Warp It. Colleagues have been re-purposing . . .
In a move to scale up donations across the globe, Warp It is inviting even more charities to join its reuse network. The effort comes as donations to charity, both in . . .
North Bristol NHS Trust has saved 121,079 kg in carbon and avoided sending 36,483 kg of waste to landfill, by using the Warp It reuse system. The Trust, which provides . . .
Warp It was established in 2013 by Daniel O'Connor following in the footsteps of his rag and bone man grandfather. Applying the principles of websites such as eBay and . . .
Warp It is a thriving online redistribution system allowing users across the UK and abroad to reuse unwanted and unloved items, diverting them from landfill. Reuse is . . .
The UK government has announced plans to encourage increase reuse, repair, and recycling as part of its goal to achieve a circular economy. The Maximising Resources, . . .
Our mission is to help organisations keep equipment, assets and ‘stuff’ circulating and we want to make it as easy as possible for anyone using Warp It. Below is our . . .
New guidance and regulations were established on 1 January 2023 that restrict the storage and disposal of waste containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The . . .
The summer months are a great time to have a clear out. We know many of our members, in particular universities, colleges, and schools, do big clear outs before they . . .
This is thanks to the growing Warp It community, which continues to take reuse action and shift towards a circular economy. Moving away from the ‘Take-Make-Dispose’ . . .
Sustainable development is a global priority and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an increasingly recognised way to make a positive impact as an . . .
A women’s health ward at Ipswich Hospital has saved hundreds of pounds in a matter of weeks by rehoming unwanted equipment and furniture using the Warp It reuse system. . . .
University College Dublin (UCD) has saved an estimated €280K and diverted more than 45 tonnes of furniture from landfill since joining the Warp It reuse and . . .
Over 200 charities and non-profit groups in the UK and overseas have joined the Warp It reuse community since the beginning of the year, boosting total charitable . . .
A circular economy project based in North West Wales has teamed up with the Warp It reuse system to revolutionise the way pre-used or unwanted mobility equipment is . . .
E-waste, or waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), is the planet’s fastest-growing waste stream. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) an . . .
One of the great benefits Warp It offers is the ability to get everyone in your organisation signed up and committed to reusing. There are various reasons you may need . . .
On occasion, you may need to view listed items on the Warp it system that have expired. Here’s a quick guide to show you how to do this. First, you’ll need to log in to . . .
We’ve made setting up Warp it even easier by automating the signing-up process for users. Users normally have to be approved by an administrator before they can access . . .
North Ayrshire Council has helped save over 58,000 kg of carbon and avoided more than 22,300 kg of waste since joining Warp It in 2015. The Council has also saved over . . .
A Liverpool hospital will open its doors to schools, charities, community groups, and non-profits to give away a wide range of furniture and other items as part of its . . .
Sustainability experts have issued an urgent call for a ‘seismic cultural shift’ towards reuse to solve the growing waste and pollution crisis. A BRITA UK paper shows . . .
Over £5.2 million worth of donations from the Warp It reuse and redistribution community have been given to charities in the UK and abroad. The level smashes the target . . .
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s sustainability and reuse work has received an internal environmental award, while saving £9,500 in just one year . . .
Warp It members have donated a wide range of medical aid and equipment to help combat paramedics in war-torn Ukraine, following an appeal by community group North . . .
The whole purpose behind Warp It is to help organisations reuse a wide range of items including office furniture and fixtures, stationery, corporate wear, uniforms, and . . .
Almost anything can be reused. This includes electrical equipment, office furniture, stationery, uniforms and corporate workwear, lab equipment, and medical equipment. . . .
The University of Cambridge has saved £418,000 in just six years by using the Warp It reuse system. The organisation joined Warp It in 2016 and during this time has . . .
Swansea University has made £19,000 in savings, avoided three tonnes of waste and 9,000 kilograms of carbon since signing up with the Warp It reuse community at the . . .
The lead-up to Christmas is the perfect time to organise an office declutter in preparation for a fresh New Year. Setting up a declutter campaign at any time of the year . . .
A community group in Norfolk is appealing for medical aid and equipment to help combat paramedics and injured civilians in war-torn Ukraine. North Norfolk Aid for . . .
Shifting from the ‘Take-Make-Dispose’ linear economic model to a circular economy is a recognised solution to address the climate crisis and realising a resilient, net . . .
In a bid to scale up support for charities based in African countries, Warp It has launched an online reuse portal specifically for UK universities and the NHS already . . .
A charity working relieve poverty and sickness across Africa is seeking unwanted medical equipment to distribute to the continent’s rural hospitals. Healthcare for . . .
A charity helping people escape conflict in war-torn counties is appealing for life-saving medical equipment and other supplies. British charity Refugease has been . . .
We’re here to help the Warp It community increase reuse rates, demonstrate the power of the circular economy, and prove the business model. Our latest area of support . . .
Donations to charity, both in the UK and abroad, from the Warp It community has reached £4,713,807 and continues to rise. Thousands of items such as office furniture, . . .
Almost anything can be reused or repurposed and benefits include avoiding landfill, reducing waste, and saving money. See more on the benefits reuse offers. The Warp It . . .
We are proposing something new! Something that will massively increase reuse. Something that will help you push things along, demonstrate the power of the circular . . .
Some days can feel like swimming against the tide. It’s difficult, it saps your energy, it feels like you need to take one step backwards to take two steps forwards. . . .
On occasion you may wish to upload items to the Warp It system and reserve, or keep them on hold, before they are released on the live marketplace. Here’s a quick guide . . .
Right from the start of your reuse journey, it’s a good idea to track your experiences. In this article, we’re going to tell you why, and help you explore your story in . . .
The Guy and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust has donated nearly 1,700 hospital uniforms, worth £25,000, to the Sylvia Lanka Foundation for use in hospitals in Sri Lanka. . . .
Wait, hold up, does that make sense? Why on Earth would we be telling you to stop what you’re doing? It’s because we’re going to explain the benefits of taking a break. . . .
Reusing lab and medical equipment and medical research or biomedical devices has proven challenging in the past. This is because these devices, equipment, and machines . . .
Lies, damn lies. Misinformation. Disinformation. Rumours. Spin. Propaganda. Deceit. Hype. Fake news. Whatever you want to call it, untrue stories are an age-old problem . . .
Stop right now, have you checked your facts? Can you tell the difference between fake and true news? According to a 2017 Channel Four survey, just 4 percent of UK adults . . .
Buying pre-loved items is becoming increasingly popular, spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic and a better awareness of its environmental benefits. According to eBay, there . . .
So, you’ve had a lightbulb bulb moment on how you think you can improve sustainability in your organisation. It might be a new idea, or a way to enhance an existing . . .
There has been an upsurge in discarding hospital textile and fabric-covered chairs and soft furnishings, with many health organisations opting to use wipeable furniture . . .
A newsletter is a brilliant way to build trust with the right people, get them involved with your reuse project, and spread the word. Whether you want staff to adopt . . .
The University of Glasgow is on track to hit a million pounds in financial savings as it enters its eighth year using the Warp It redistribution system. The university . . .
The Warp It redistribution system has seen a surge in membership renewals during the last three months, highlighting the ongoing value of reuse and sustainability for . . .
You work hard and achieve great reuse results. But do the right people know about it? Do you stand out in the crowd? People are busy, organisations even more dispersed . . .
A professionally-crafted and well-executed promotional campaign will do wonders for the success of your reuse project. It will help you communicate your messages, boost . . .
Laboratories often produce vast amounts of waste, due to frequent personnel turnover, lab moves, and changing research needs. The increased use of single-use plastics, . . .
A Warp It feature often overlooked, but proven to be very popular, is the capability of setting up sites, campuses and even departments on the system. NHS Trusts, . . .
The pandemic has accelerated trends in remote work and many organisations are shifting to flexible workspace, a move that will reduce the overall space they need and . . .
It’s been a tough couple of years, and the challenges we’ve all faced have meant most of us have changed how we work and communicate in ways we could not anticipate. . . .
We’ve all faced our fair share of challenges over the last couple of years. It’s time to take stock, look ahead, and SUPERCHARGE your reuse and sustainability work. It’s . . .
Storage space is at a premium becoming increasingly scarce, especially as many organisations reimagine and reshape their spaces as they move towards remote or hybrid . . .
Charities and third sector organisations are encouraged to register with the Warp It redistribution system. They will be matched with organisations to get free office . . .
We have had a big surge in new customers over the last couple of months... so we thought we would get some inside info from Daniel on the best ways to launch your . . .
In this guide we'll give you seven nifty hacks to use both in the office at at home, for getting the most out of a clean desk and space. The goal is to increase . . .
Warp it helps the NHS collaborate and use its land and buildings better; this saves money, maximises asset value and liberates space. Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) work . . .
The Warp It ambition to make reuse and the circular economy the norm is coming to fruition as our community make huge strides in reducing waste and carbon by reusing and . . .
Did you know the joy of giving lasts longer than the joy of getting? There’s a link between making a donation to charity and feeling joy; it boosts your mood helping you . . .
Who doesn’t want to feel good? A proven way to feel good is to give rather than to receive. The joy of giving lasts longer than taking and, what’s more, helping others . . .
Warp It is a hub of reuse to organisations across the UK and abroad, helping them to make significant cash and carbon savings simply by reusing and redistributing . . .
The Warp It community is making great strides towards net zero carbon with reuse firmly at the heart of activities. The purpose behind Warp It is to help organisations . . .
Working towards net zero carbon with reuse firmly at the heart of activities is nothing new to the Warp It community. Annual global waste is rapidly growing and it is . . .
The NHS in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has pledged to become net zero and build climate resilience, following the COP26 summit in Glasgow. No time frame was . . .
Non-profit organisations operate as businesses and donating furniture, stationery, equipment, and other items will allow them to focus on their core activities, be . . .
Shropshire Council has exceeded its reuse goals by saving over £125,000 in procurement and disposal thanks to hard work, vision, collaboration and the Warp It . . .
A mental health charity has refurbished its therapy rooms with a range of old and unwanted office furniture donated from the Warp It redistribution system. Glasgow-based . . .
The right people can boost efficiency, productivity helping you run a successful reuse programme, and young talent can help you do just that. Those entering the . . .
Being safe online is essential and as part of our ongoing improvement measures to ensure that the Warp it system is a secure environment we’re encouraging customers to . . .
Moving away from the ‘Take-Make-Dispose’ linear economic model and adopting a circular economy is a recognised and respected solution to address global challenges like . . .
Annual global waste is rapidly growing, and it’s projected that it will hit a colossal 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050. Meanwhile, the Waste & Resources Action Programme . . .
We hear a great deal about building resilience in the workplace, or for professional, business, and project purposes. But what about your personal and mental resilience? . . .
A charity that supports young people has given a makeover to its event and training hub using furniture provided by the Warp It redistribution system. The Element . . .
Covid-19 has reshaped the traditional office style of working and remote and hybrid ways of working are becoming normalised. Join us on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at . . .
Hywel Dda University Health Board has delivered £230k in savings thanks to reuse using the Warp It redistribution service. The Health Board, which provides healthcare . . .
Have you thought about reusing staff uniforms and corporate wear? According to the waste charity WRAP, an estimated £140 million worth of clothing is sent to UK landfill . . .
The University of Kent has reached a million-pound milestone in savings by using the Warp It reuse service. Now recognised as the top performing university using the . . .
A wide range of unwanted stationery is being put to good use and donated to schools and charities thanks to the Warp It community. Found during clearances or stationery . . .
The University of the West of England Bristol has helped to kit out classrooms for trainee ambulance drivers at an NHS Trust using the Warp It distribution service. . . .
As an increasing number of organisations put in place different ways of working, many are undergoing large clearances. This is resulting in thousands of stationery . . .
There are many reasons why someone may want to delete their Warp It account. They may be moving on to work for another organisation or perhaps taking a lead on other . . .
Nottingham Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has made a big green impact by saving £10,000 and avoiding over 100 tonnes of carbon in just one year thanks to an . . .
An East London residents and community association is appealing for stationery to distribute to local school pupils when they start the new term in September. Led by . . .
Did you know that every item that is listed on Warp It is given an estimated weight? This is so the waste disposal and financial savings that reuse offers can be . . .
The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust has donated 1,000 pieces of hospital furniture, estimated to be worth £187,500, to an international charity that helps . . .
An unprecedented amount of medical equipment and hospital furniture has been donated to charities in the UK and abroad thanks to the Warp It community. Unwanted but . . .
London Metropolitan University has donated over 3,670 items ranging from pens, files, paper and labels to support a community association’s quest to give 550 pupils in a . . .
An international charity working to empower the poor by providing food, shelter, education and medical aid has distributed essential furniture among rural hospitals . . .
Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust is maximising the opportunity to reuse office furniture and equipment as it relocates a Chesterfield-based . . .
The Warp It reuse system is a network whereby charities can access free corporate assets like stationery, chairs, desks, cabinets, sports equipment etc. There is no . . .
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, which runs the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) and Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital (PRH), has saved £88,088 in the last . . .
We all have expectations. They encompass pretty much everything we do, and inform our goals, standards, boundaries. Most go hand-in-hand with our values and beliefs. . . .
Expectations are assumptions that things in the future WILL happen. They are a belief that certain outcomes or events will happen and, while expectations influence our . . .
Members of an allotment group are set to enjoy the benefits of a revamped clubhouse thanks to reused furniture and fixtures sourced from Warp It. The Cambuslang . . .
Whatever you're working on right now, have you considered your intention? You might not be consciously aware of it, but intention is always at work. Everything in our . . .
What matters most to you? We know that tackling complex challenges such as the climate crisis, reuse, sustainability are matters close to your heart. And realising a . . .
We would like to feature your sustainability project on our blog and send it out to our readership. We need good news stories right now! So we are on a push to find . . .
A charity working to educate, empower and improve the health of women and girls in West Africa has furnished schools in the area with donations sourced from Warp It . . .
Do you ever put yourself in the other person’s shoes? It is this ability to have an understanding of others’ experiences and perspectives, their beliefs, feelings, . . .
Our ability to see other people’s points of view is one of the most crucial tools we have. It’s key to productive and successful collaboration, and this is vital when . . .
The University of Tasmania is aiming to be the one of the most sustainable universities on the planet. Here we talk to the driving force behind these ambitious plans, . . .
Tackling major challenges such as sustainability and the climate crisis, and working towards that all-important new and better normal, takes unprecedented levels of . . .
Nothing is a solo act. Everything is a huge collaboration. To make significant inroads in creating a radically better future we must need to step outside our bubble and . . .
The National Tactical Response Group (NTRG), who handle serious incidents in prisons across England and Wales, is seeking old and disused furniture to use in its . . .
We have a brand new webinar taking place every month for charities and schools specifically. This is to help the newer charities and schools get used to our new features . . .
We are still going through some challenging times. All the more reason to share experiences with others who are in a similar position to you in other organisations and . . .
Sometimes you may want to ensure any items you're adding to Warp It and allocated outside of your organisation. This feature is particularly useful when wanting to offer . . .
Tuesday is my new favourite day... I have started calling it CHOOSE-DAY! As in... you CHOOSE what the "new normal" is. You choose how you live. You choose the new . . .
Choose where you focus your energy. Choose a better normal. Choose a better life. Choose a better future. There have never been such powerful reasons to choose to make . . .
Making our own choices is very important as it gives our life meaning and influences the way we feel. While we focus on moving forward towards a sustainable future that . . .
MedAID are a charity on a mission to bridge the gap between surplus medical devices and equipment and the shortage of medical equipment in resource-limited countries. To . . .
That's what we will discuss at the next live session with Jen Gale at 4PM on October 7th 2020. Jen Gale is a mum of two boys and did not buy anything for a year! She is . . .
Bouncing back from adversity can be exhausting. The challenge for us all is to ensure that, in the midst of coping with the pandemic, we don’t miss the life-changing, . . .
You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has . . .
Hello Everyone, We want to do everything we can to make sure you receive the items you need - and also protect the health and safety of all parties involved in a reuse . . .
If there is one skill sustainability pro's need, it's the ability to get their message across. ... We continue to invite sustainability leaders to talk at our . . .
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has exposed major weaknesses in the economy as well as deep-seated inequalities in our society. Yet, our . . .
It was impossible to imagine this reality at the beginning of 2020 and yet here we are, with new habits and changed working and social environments. We accepted and . . .
Every now and then you may need to reject staff member who request to register with Warp It. Usually a member of your organisation will register with your Warp It portal . . .
Warp It users often have different ways of dealing with electrical items. Some use Warp It to redistribute surplus electricals around their estate and beyond. Others . . .
We want to maximise the reuse of surplus assets. Part of this is to re-distribute assets to the 3rd sector for reuse in the community. Another part of this is donating . . .
As we return back to and a new (better!) world we need relevant guidance to that furniture equipment and asset reuse can be carried out safely. This guidance is designed . . .
What’s holding you back from winning the team over? Why is it such a challenge to accomplish your project’s goals? Join us on Wednesday 8th July at 2.30PM on Zoom over . . .
Join us for our regular Zoom drop-in sessions to talk about all things reuse in organisations. If you're involved with facilitating the reuse of surplus assets like . . .
Let’s not miss it! Carpe diem, or seize the day, is one of the oldest philosophical mottos in western history and it’s never been so more relevant as we emerge from the . . .
If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we can take radical action in the face of a clear and imminent threat and rapidly change our habits and ways . . .
As the dust begins to settle somewhat, it's time to think about building back a better system than before. As you have seen in the past 12 weeks a crisis is a great time . . .
We have upgraded our search bar so now finding items is easier than ever! The new 'sort by' filter options will include an array of useful search criteria that you and . . .
In an effort to help protect frontline NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve launched an online marketplace for businesses to donate vital equipment and . . .
Sometimes you do not find a match for your surplus assets internally or even within the community. But you do not want to send those assets to landfill. You work in a . . .
We are going through some challenging times. In times like this we need to come together and share stories so that we can get a good perspective on what is happening, . . .
While rare, there may be times you want to pause your reuse activities. The Covid-19 pandemic is an example of when this may be needed. Pausing the Warp It portal will . . .
If you're set up to allow external claims, this feature will allow you to add items that are for internal use only. Here's a quick guide to show you how to use this . . .
Normally, when a query email is sent from a standard Warp It user to another user the admin would always be copied in. This feature stops this and gives the admin some . . .
What happens when a department in the organisation only wants to reuse their assets within that department You set up a private network within your Warp It portal. There . . .
Many Warp It members donate items to external organisations, such as charities, schools, and community groups. To keep track of these external donations you can use this . . .
Who doesn't love a good story? We’ve talked about this here. But did you know you can boost the effectiveness of your stories when they’re told in the format of a case . . .
Human-to-human connections are everything. At the end of the day, we deal with people, and we want to discover how problems are solved, pain points eased and enjoy the . . .
When Ellie (age 8.5) saw the heartbreaking bushfire images coming from Australia she wanted to do something. So she did. The news of the Australian bushfires reached a . . .
This feature allows the allocation of uploaded assets directly to an internal member, or an external partner, saving a great deal of communications time in the process. . . .
This feature allows admins to allocate uploaded assets directly to external partners, including charities, saving a great deal of communications time in the process. . . .
When staff from the reuse team move on what happens to their Warp it account and the items they have listed? It is the admin's responsibility to manage this. This guide . . .
As your reuse membership grows and more items are added to the system, how they are categorised becomes increasingly important. Using the category and sub-category . . .
The usual office Christmas party would entail dusting off your glad rags, ordering a taxi and worrying about overeating and having one too many glasses of punch. Not . . .
Does the following description apply to you? Are you working in the Science or Healthcare sectors and are desperate to find a sustainable solution that enables some of . . .
Our team here at Warp It recently welcomed some incredible news, news that really puts us on a global stage. The ‘University Impact Rankings 2019’ was released by the . . .
Making Reuse & Repair Normal Our vision is where reuse repair and redistribution of surplus assets, furniture and equipment mainstream within and between . . .
Everyone has a story. Everyone. Stories are a brilliant way to persuade, precipitate discussion, motivate and influence. They're always far more efficient and impactful . . .
Storytelling isn’t just reserved for bedtime rituals, it’s one of the most powerful ways to increase motivation and inspiration in others. Stories bring things to life. . . .
If you need help to donate more assets into schools and charities then Ben can help you! Ben Lynch is the Partnership Manager at Warp It. In his role, he is responsible . . .
Ask successful leaders and managers what the secret of their success is, and chances are that they’ll tell you they had great mentors. Mentoring is a one-to-one . . .
Virtually anyone can benefit from having a mentor, and even some of the most iconic and inspiring individuals had to start somewhere. From politics, technology and art . . .
We are pleased to introduce this case study from Waikato University in New Zealand, where their decision to use Warp It has caught local media attention. This case study . . .
Within an organisation that wants to make a change, there has to be an individual who can lead and take responsibility for that change. Culture change requires the . . .
I was just on the phone to one of our customers and she was taling about pitching our services to their CEO. So I took her through all the reasons that a CEO who leads a . . .
It might be too early to put the Michael Bublé Christmas CD on just yet, but it’s not too early for us here at Warp It to tell you that we are setting the target of £3m . . .
“Bodacious” – a combination of the words bold and audacious. The meek have never changed the world. Rosa Parks didn’t have tired feet; she had boldness. So did Nelson . . .
Being bold isn’t about being outspoken, explicit and vulgar. Being bold is about unapologetically being you. Being bold is embracing a can-do attitude, knowing yourself, . . .
When you solve a problem that everyone can relate to.... When you create a simple tool to fix that problem... When you create a solution that helps the environment, . . .
Upload items in bulk onto the Warp It system can make life easier for building clearance managers and administrators. It also maximises reuse during clearances and . . .
As members of your organisation leave, you'll need to remove them from the reuse system and rehome assets that are no longer wanted or needed. As standard, when a user . . .
Every single one of us can make a positive impact, whether for ourselves, our loved ones, the environment, or society at large. If you’re longing to make a positive . . .
How can you make a personal impact that’s meaningful? It can be overwhelming, no matter how good your intentions. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make a . . .
When items that are ready to reuse on the Warp It system aren’t claimed within the deadline their status will expire. What happens next? Here's a guide on how to deal . . .
To locate an item on Warp It easily and quickly, you can filter search results by person. This means you don't have to scroll through the entire marketplace. Here's a . . .
It's important to control and customise the Warp It portal experience and ensure it works for you. This guide explains how you can control what your users see when they . . .
Is your organisation a bit apprehensive about giving staff tools that they could potentially cause havoc with? Don’t worry, it’s a common concern. When we introduce the . . .
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