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11 Reasons To Attend Events or Workshops

Making Reuse Mainstream Our aim is to make reuse mainstream and give you the tools and tips to help you do that in your organisation. To help with that we are delivering . . .

Recap: Warp It Bristol Event

We are posting this article off the back of a very successful event at the Create Center in Bristol, where we had a fantastic turn-out of Warp It customers, as well as . . .

London Warp It Reuse event. Speaker takeaway messages & presentation downloads

Reuse within and between organisations. Warp It Workshop. Improve your reuse program! Making reuse mainstream! Adopt circular economy practices. Our first Warp It meet . . .

You will leave this event with a clear way forward to improve your reuse program. 

Are you joining us to learn about how to set up and improve reuse programs? Here are the speaker profiles and what you will learn.... Mike Howroyd Mike is the . . .

Making things better & making better things. Eco Innovation

The Mark Shayler interview Mark Shayler from This is Ape is hosting our break out sessions at our up coming workshops. Mark is an Eco innovator & author (Book here), . . .

Mark Shayler hosts innovation sessions at Warp It Regional Workshops

To make reuse mainstream we must innovate. Whether it is the adoption of new practices, new policies, new software or coming up with our own solutions.... We are . . .

Reuse Within & Between Organisations: Warp It Regional Workshops

Video by Reel: Creative Social Video Making Reuse Mainstream Our aim is to make reuse repair and redistribution of surplus assets, furniture and equipment mainstream . . .

11 Reasons To Attend The Warp It Network Regional Workshops

Making Reuse Mainstream Our aim is to make reuse mainstream and give you the tools and tips to help you do that in your organisation. In 2018 we are delivering a series . . .

11 Reasons Why You Should Speak at Events and Workshops

Will you share your story? We are all coaches. One way to coach is to give presentations about your learnings and experience. This article is all about why you should . . .


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