Using a Spreadsheet to Redistribute Surplus Assets?
Many of the organisations we talk to do not have any kind of asset reuse going on. Some are right at the start of their reuse journey. Some use email to redistribute . . .
facilities management
Many of the organisations we talk to do not have any kind of asset reuse going on. Some are right at the start of their reuse journey. Some use email to redistribute . . .
We have another freebie for you, our wonderful Warp It members! This week, we’ve put together some potentially life saving free sticker templates that you can use in and . . .
If the CEO and senior management abandoned an organisation overnight and did not come back for one month. The staff probably would not notice the difference. If the . . .
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Some are right at the start of their reuse journey.
Topics: Facilities management, Reuse program: Planning stage
Here at Warp It, we often get asked the interesting question of ‘How do you maintain your catalogue of usable items on your marketplace?’. This will be the focus of this blog post, which will include some invaluable tips that you can apply immediately. We are talking about making your reuse system automatic, with a simple tweak to your facilities management (FM) practices.
Topics: Procurement, Warp It admin, Facilities management
Topics: Procurement, Facilities management
This week, we’ve put together some potentially life saving free sticker templates that you can use in and around your estate. Keep reading to learn more...
Topics: Warp It admin, Facilities management, Campaigns
The challenge is that there are so many critical, and often conflicting deadlines, that the reuse of surplus assets is often left to the last minute. By this time, it is usually too late to find new owners for those assets!
Topics: Facilities management, Building Clearance
This is one of the most common reasons institutions do not explore reuse after the first assessment meeting.
However, we say to customers, ‘Why would you want storage? It’s expensive to own, expensive to run, and time consuming to manage.’
If we could match surplus assets with new homes, while they are still in their original position, would that change things?
It would. We know it would.
Topics: Warp It admin, Facilities management, Features and benefits
Topics: Warp It admin, Facilities management
Topics: Warp It admin, Facilities management
Topics: Buy in, Facilities management
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