Membership Charities & Community Voluntary Services (CVS) across the land are discovering they can join Warp It and give their members access to millions of pounds worth of free corporate assets.
Welcome wonderful representatives from memberships groups and CVS's, take a look at some of the perks your FREE Warp It membership offer, and download our instructions on how to take advantage of this service and add great value to your members.
What is in it for membership groups and CVS's?
- Get free access to corporate assets like furniture, stationery and equipment for your members
- Provide your membership with even better value from your CVS service!
How do membership groups CVS's get involved?
Quite simply the membership group or CVS sets up a portal on Warp It (we show you how below) and then invites their members to join (we give you a template). Your members then get free access to surplus corporate assets.
The membership group or CVS can than add their own logo to their portal to sow their leadership and value to their members.