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What we love this May 2018

Each month we scour the internet for things to inspire, amuse and educate. And while we’ve been focusing on how to avoid digital distractions, we fully recommend finding . . .

Friday time saver tip; Never type ever again!

A customer was telling me on the phone he has a specification he wants for our software but hasn’t the time to get it written down. I said: “M- you get the bus to work . . .

£2.7 million in savings from reuse within the Russell Group

We have some great news to share with you. The reuse of furniture and laboratory equipment pays off handsomely within the Russell Group of Universities! 16 of the 24 . . .

How to say no to distraction...

How to say no to distraction and get stuff done... I allow myself to get distracted so easily. Notifications, websites, colleagues, meetings i don't need to be at, other . . .

How to get senior management talking about reuse

Let’s be frank, grabbing the attention of senior management can be a bit tricky. Their inboxes are busy, their phones are ringing off the hook and they fly from meeting . . .

Our tips and tools: How to say "No!"

This month we’re focusing on why sometimes we should just say NO. It’s so easy to say yes and agree to do stuff for others. But it can often result in work overload . . .

What we love this April 2018

This month we’ve been looking at when and how to say no; sometimes it’s a must and you can read our tools and tips which are geared to helping you do just this. In the . . .

How to turn a no to a yes.

People who might be of the mind to say no to your proposal need to be treated a bit differently. This article is about strategically reducing the number of times a . . .

Reuse Case Study, Mike Hodkinson, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Warp It are pleased to welcome Mike Hodkinson from Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. Mike is here to add some insight into why his organisation . . .


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