What we love this May 2018
Each month we scour the internet for things to inspire, amuse and educate. And while we’ve been focusing on how to avoid digital distractions, we fully recommend finding . . .
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Each month we scour the internet for things to inspire, amuse and educate. And while we’ve been focusing on how to avoid digital distractions, we fully recommend finding . . .
A customer was telling me on the phone he has a specification he wants for our software but hasn’t the time to get it written down. I said: “M- you get the bus to work . . .
We have some great news to share with you. The reuse of furniture and laboratory equipment pays off handsomely within the Russell Group of Universities! 16 of the 24 . . .
How to say no to distraction and get stuff done... I allow myself to get distracted so easily. Notifications, websites, colleagues, meetings i don't need to be at, other . . .
Let’s be frank, grabbing the attention of senior management can be a bit tricky. Their inboxes are busy, their phones are ringing off the hook and they fly from meeting . . .
This month we’re focusing on why sometimes we should just say NO. It’s so easy to say yes and agree to do stuff for others. But it can often result in work overload . . .
This month we’ve been looking at when and how to say no; sometimes it’s a must and you can read our tools and tips which are geared to helping you do just this. In the . . .
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Each month we scour the internet for things to inspire, amuse and educate. And while we’ve been focusing on how to avoid digital distractions, we fully recommend finding some (managed!) time to check out these stories that will fill you with motivation and inspiration!
Topics: What we love
A customer was telling me on the phone he has a specification he wants for our software but hasn’t the time to get it written down.
Topics: Tips and tools
16 of the 24 Russell Group Universities use our system. The Russell Group Universities generally consist of the most energy intensive due to research and lab activities. They are interested in savings that sustainability can bring.
Savings from procurement and waste disposal= £2.7 million
Avoided carbon emissions from reduced manufacture= 1.5 million KGs CO2e
Avoided waste arises: 600 tonnes
We thought we would blog about the Russell Group because, last week Warp It was pleased to welcome the University of Birmingham onto our system.
We are looking forward to helping the university improve their current method for reusing assets around the campus, for which they’ve already received many awards.
Birmingham follow on the heels of the University of Leeds who were the last Russell Group member to sign up.
Post script- Exeter University are now signed up!
Topics: University, Case study
I allow myself to get distracted so easily. Notifications, websites, colleagues, meetings i don't need to be at, other work that is easier than what I need to be doing.....
Topics: Guidance for projects, Warp It admin, Reuse program: Planning stage
Topics: Buy in, Launching your reuse program, Features and benefits
This month we’re focusing on why sometimes we should just say NO.
It’s so easy to say yes and agree to do stuff for others. But it can often result in work overload where we either accomplishing everything to the point of exhaustion, or not fulfilling the tasks and inevitably disappointing those we promised to help.
So, what can we do to avoid this? Well, it’s simple – sometimes we must say no!
It may feel wrong and can even make you feel guilty or anxious but having the courage to just say no is actually an incredibly efficient skill that can benefit your work goals, productivity, finances and general well-being.
So, with this in mind, take a look through our tips and tools and learn how to just say no.
Topics: Tips and tools
This month we’ve been looking at when and how to say no; sometimes it’s a must and you can read our tools and tips which are geared to helping you do just this.
Topics: What we love
Mike is here to add some insight into why his organisation opted to improve the reuse of surplus furniture and equipment, and how it has solved some of their waste stream issues.
Topics: NHS, Case study, Sustainable healthcare, People
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