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Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships and the reuse of surplus assets

Create an inter sectoral, town, city and region wide marketplace; so that stakeholders can swap and trade surplus assets- everyone benefits. STPs are about improving . . .

London Warp It Reuse event. Speaker takeaway messages & presentation downloads

Reuse within and between organisations. Warp It Workshop. Improve your reuse program! Making reuse mainstream! Adopt circular economy practices. Our first Warp It meet . . .

How to announce a building clearance to maximise reuse

The meetings are over, hands have been shaken, the T’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, except you. Are you ready? The building . . .

You will leave this event with a clear way forward to improve your reuse program. 

Are you joining us to learn about how to set up and improve reuse programs? Here are the speaker profiles and what you will learn.... Mike Howroyd Mike is the . . .

Recognising those who contribute towards the Facilities Management function.

If the CEO and senior management abandoned an organisation overnight and did not come back for one month. The staff probably would not notice the difference. If the . . .

Help us choose the theme for our lab reuse campaign

We want to develop a campaign around the reuse of lab equipment to free up space, reduce waste, extend lab budgets and to help labs be more sustainable. We thought it . . .

Maximising Reuse within a University and the community

How reuse within a university can not only benefit the organisation but it's students and even local charities. Everyone should be doing it! Warp It are pleased to . . .

How to announce the launch of your reuse program

Welcome! So, you’ve decided to abandon skips and wastage, and have found reuse to be the optimal way to get the most value and utility out of your assets. We are proud . . .

Our tips and tools to share gratitude

Each month we share useful tips and tools and this month we’re focusing on gratitude and the importance of taking the time to actually stop and thank people and, . . .


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