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We Interview Warp It Pioneers Paul Nelson & Laura Manley, North Tyneside Council

We are pleased to welcome not just one, but two Warp It pioneers for this in depth interview. Paul Nelson works as the Environmental Sustainability Manager at North . . .

King's College London Case Study, Martin Farley

We are pleased to welcome Martin Farley, Sustainable Labs Guy at King’s College London, who has kindly helped us explore the topic of their reuse project and the . . .

Organisation and City Level Sharing of Surplus Assets - Part One

Welcome! This article is all about the reuse of surplus assets within and between the University Sector in the UK. In this series of articles we’re going to review four . . .

Choose to reUSe - University of Salford's Award Winning Campaign

The University of Salford’s Environmental Sustainability Officer, Rebecca Bennett, is here to walk us through their ‘Choose to reUSe’ scheme. In this piece, you are . . .

Welcome to the £100k Club! Warp It’s Leading Savers...

Engaging your organisation in reuse is getting more and more popular each month, as we see and hear sentiment and content from all around the industry push this method . . .

Case Study: One Manchester House Association

We are pleased to welcome Anton Schultz, Social Investment Manager at One Manchester Housing Association, to help provide additional insight about their incredible . . .

Making the Business Case - ALL Resources Included!

Your organisation is on a reuse journey. We want to be helpful, we want your reuse system to succeed and we want you to feel like Warp It is here to support you (which . . .

Benefits of Warp It to Councils - Signpost

Benefits of Warp It to Municipal Councils Councils up and down the UK are reaping the rewards from a partnership with Warp It. We’ve allowed them to: expand the reuse of . . .

£2.7 million in savings from reuse within the Russell Group

We have some great news to share with you. The reuse of furniture and laboratory equipment pays off handsomely within the Russell Group of Universities! 16 of the 24 . . .


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