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NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde approach the £1million in cost avoidance milestone!

Our team here at Warp It are really pleased to welcome back Elaine Gray, Purchasing Lead at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, back for another interview. Cast your mind to . . .

Automating Reuse: How Can Warp It Help Those With an Online Platform Already?

Sometimes organisations set up their own reuse platforms. This is great! Really, it is! Our mission is to make reuse mainstream and so it warms our cockles when we hear . . .

Editorial: How Has Warp It Impacted the NHS?

Firstly, before we dive right into the ways in which Warp It has impacted the shape and culture of the NHS and UK Healthcare in general, we want to say thank you. We’d . . .

Case Study: Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer, University of Birmingham

We are very pleased to welcome Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer at the University of Birmingham, to discuss the impressive work that has been going on at the . . .

University of Reading Case Study, With Ruth Harris

We welcome Ruth Harris, Sustainability Officer at the University of Reading. Ruth has been supporting various sustainability projects and their development within the . . .

Everything You Need to Know About Staff Sales for Personal Use

Hey! This is Daniel O’Connor from Warp It, and this article is here to explain how and why you should consider selling or donating assets to staff for personal use. I’m . . .

New! Warp It Wednesday Campaign

Leeds Teaching Hospital are one of our customers. Every Wednesday their porters pick up any surplus furniture and transfer it to a new home using our system. They call . . .

How to Achieve Culture Change While You Sleep!

Our vision is to make reuse mainstream. Our customers want to make reuse mainstream in their organisations. Our customers are generally trying t change culture in . . .

Here's How Warp It Can Be Used As An Asset Management System

Warp It is not designed to manage assets in the traditional sense, in fact, it was designed to redistribute assets that were surplus to requirements. However, we’ve . . .


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