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Warp It authenticated

Being safe online is essential and as part of our ongoing improvement measures to ensure that the Warp it system is a secure environment we’re encouraging customers to . . .

Workshop: Repair and refurbishment: fitting it into your circular economy strategy

Moving away from the ‘Take-Make-Dispose’ linear economic model and adopting a circular economy is a recognised and respected solution to address global challenges like . . .

Back to basics: why reuse?

Annual global waste is rapidly growing, and it’s projected that it will hit a colossal 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050. Meanwhile, the Waste & Resources Action Programme . . .

We love a healthy, hearty dose of self-care

We hear a great deal about building resilience in the workplace, or for professional, business, and project purposes. But what about your personal and mental resilience? . . .

Youth charity hub treated to makeover with reused furniture

A charity that supports young people has given a makeover to its event and training hub using furniture provided by the Warp It redistribution system. The Element . . .

Reuse in the hybrid way of working

Covid-19 has reshaped the traditional office style of working and remote and hybrid ways of working are becoming normalised. Join us on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at . . .

Reuse saves nearly a quarter of a million for Welsh health board

Hywel Dda University Health Board has delivered £230k in savings thanks to reuse using the Warp It redistribution service. The Health Board, which provides healthcare . . .

Don’t bin the uniform, reuse it

Have you thought about reusing staff uniforms and corporate wear? According to the waste charity WRAP, an estimated £140 million worth of clothing is sent to UK landfill . . .

University of Kent saves a million thanks to reuse

The University of Kent has reached a million-pound milestone in savings by using the Warp It reuse service. Now recognised as the top performing university using the . . .


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