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Tools and tips to make YOU feel good

Who doesn’t want to feel good? A proven way to feel good is to give rather than to receive. The joy of giving lasts longer than taking and, what’s more, helping others . . .

Tips to save resources and cut waste with Warp It

Warp It is a hub of reuse to organisations across the UK and abroad, helping them to make significant cash and carbon savings simply by reusing and redistributing . . .

Get reusing with these tools and tips

The Warp It community is making great strides towards net zero carbon with reuse firmly at the heart of activities. The purpose behind Warp It is to help organisations . . .

We love our reuse heroes

Working towards net zero carbon with reuse firmly at the heart of activities is nothing new to the Warp It community. Annual global waste is rapidly growing and it is . . .

Reuse critical to achieving a net zero NHS

The NHS in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has pledged to become net zero and build climate resilience, following the COP26 summit in Glasgow. No time frame was . . .

Workshop: Donating surplus items to the third sector & schools

Non-profit organisations operate as businesses and donating furniture, stationery, equipment, and other items will allow them to focus on their core activities, be . . .

Shropshire Council smashes reuse goals

Shropshire Council has exceeded its reuse goals by saving over £125,000 in procurement and disposal thanks to hard work, vision, collaboration and the Warp It . . .

Mental health charity renovates therapy rooms with reused office furniture

A mental health charity has refurbished its therapy rooms with a range of old and unwanted office furniture donated from the Warp It redistribution system. Glasgow-based . . .

Kickstart your reuse team with young talent

The right people can boost efficiency, productivity helping you run a successful reuse programme, and young talent can help you do just that. Those entering the . . .


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