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Collaboration For Reuse

Projects within organisations come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s one thing that they all share in common, and that’s collaboration. No matter how difficult or . . .

Feature: sending assets straight to charities, schools, and other third parties

When donating items to charities, schools, and other third parties you'll want to bypass the internal reuse phase. Normally you add an asset on Warp it it will be . . .

Training and Support for Your Reuse Program (Stakeholder Web Sessions)

We believe in the value of training and support, which is why we are launching Stakeholder Buy-In Webinars to ensure your reuse system gets off to a flying start. These . . .

Daniel's Solid Advice for Launching Your Reuse Programme

Daniel O’Connor is back to give you some fantastic advice about launching your reuse programme. As the founder and all-around-good-guy of Warp It, Daniel’s hands-on . . .

A Mini Pilot Will Get Your Reuse Programme off to a Flying Start

This article has been put together for Warp It Administrators, to help you pilot the Warp It programme. The optimal stage to run a pilot is once you’ve set yourself up . . .

6 Golden Benefits of Reuse That Procurement Managers Can Embrace!

Make no bones about it the Procurement Department hold the keys to sustainability in any organisation. It is therefore important that the procurement department take an . . .

Feature: values in the database

Everything reused via Warp It has a value attached to it. This is so accurate data and reports on the values of reuse can be created. Here is a guide on how this data is . . .

Feature: viewing items and changing details

Circumstances change and you may need to alter descriptions of items listed on Warp it. This means you may need to delete items, change their category, location, or . . .

5 Golden Tips for Emailing Busy Senior Management Figures

Introducing a Warp It reuse programme into your organisation might take some perseverance, it might take creating a business case, it might take demonstrating an . . .


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