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FREE: Warp It Fire Risk Sticker Template

We have another freebie for you, our wonderful Warp It members! This week, we’ve put together some potentially life saving free sticker templates that you can use in and . . .

Recap: Warp It Bristol Event

We are posting this article off the back of a very successful event at the Create Center in Bristol, where we had a fantastic turn-out of Warp It customers, as well as . . .

Case Study: One Manchester House Association

We are pleased to welcome Anton Schultz, Social Investment Manager at One Manchester Housing Association, to help provide additional insight about their incredible . . .

New! Free Lab Reuse Campaign Materials

Recently we revealed that we were in the process of asking our community to help us design some amazing visual stimuli for laboratory or science facilities to boost . . .

Ride for Nell – a great achievement from one of our customers

John Bailey, Head of Sustainability at the University of London is a long time friend of ours. He has been on a cycling mission around France, with his wife Sophie and . . .

What we love this June 2018

Each month we persistently search for and share stuff we love with you, to inspire, amuse and educate you and support your determination to achieve something regardless . . .

Our tips and tools: keep your data safe

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can’t have escaped you! It came in force on 25 May 2018 and during the lead up we were swamped with facts, figures and . . .

Feature: admin forum

Collaboration can often mean the difference between failure and success. Our admin forums are designed to allow those running reuse projects to network, collaborate, and . . .

A Bottle of Brandy and Amazing Customer Feedback!

Here at Warp It, we’ve got some thoughtful users. Thanks to the epic feedback we receive we are constantly improving our offering . We’ve changed how we support the . . .


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