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Dare to Compare? Current Practice vs Easily Achievable

Reflections are powerful... When we take a look at what we are doing, often, we notice things that we are proud of, and things that we want to change. When it comes to . . .

Automising reuse: The Journey of an Item

We try to automise reuse as much as possible so that you and your staff and your colleagues can get on with other priorities. Sometimes it helps if we explain how an . . .

How to Transport Items For Reuse on Big Estates

Your big issue = How to manage transport This guide is here to provide a couple of simple, bite-sized tips for more effectively managing transport and logistics on a . . .

How to Use Flat Screens to Boost Reuse Participation

Flat screen TVs are not only good for watching THE WORLD CUP they’re also a very useful tool for engaging people in whatever message you want to get out. Within your . . .

Feature: deleting options on active items

If circumstances change, an item listed on the Warp It reuse system may need to be removed to avoid disappointment or confusion. Here's a guide about the delete options . . .

The One Dreaded Thing That Can Stop Reuse When Decanting Buildings

This article is all about a problem. The problem is how to maximise the opportunity that building decommissions, or decants, present, especially when it comes to the . . .

How to get anyone to agree to your culture change project

Daniel's super simple step-by-step guide to changing culture in organisations Step 1: Identify the people who are decision makers This could be your boss, the head of a . . .

How to Increase Your Charitable Output Through Great Communications

Linking up with charities to make donations should be easy, right? Well, before Warp It, it wasn’t. It was a lot of effort, with a lot of back and forth dialogue and . . .

Making the Business Case - ALL Resources Included!

Your organisation is on a reuse journey. We want to be helpful, we want your reuse system to succeed and we want you to feel like Warp It is here to support you (which . . .


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