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Caroline Davies, Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust

Warp It are pleased to welcome Caroline Davies to help us explore reuse, culture change and the past problems of wasteful behaviour activities within her organisation, . . .

Case Study: Adrian Miller, Waste Manager, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

We are joined by Adrian Miller, who for thirty years has worked in roles such as Waste Manager, Warehouse Manager, Facilities Manager, and more. His employers have . . .

Elaine Gray, NHS GGC, Discusses the Revolve Mark

We are very pleased to welcome back Elaine Gray, Purchasing Lead at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. You may remember we interviewed Elaine about her success in . . .

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde approach the £1million in cost avoidance milestone!

Our team here at Warp It are really pleased to welcome back Elaine Gray, Purchasing Lead at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, back for another interview. Cast your mind to . . .

Editorial: How Has Warp It Impacted the NHS?

Firstly, before we dive right into the ways in which Warp It has impacted the shape and culture of the NHS and UK Healthcare in general, we want to say thank you. We’d . . .

Welcome to the £100k Club! Warp It’s Leading Savers...

Engaging your organisation in reuse is getting more and more popular each month, as we see and hear sentiment and content from all around the industry push this method . . .

Get Ready for your CQC Audit With our FREE Graphics Package

Dear Warp It members who are part of the NHS, this post and download have been made especially with you in mind. If you aren’t a member of the NHS, and you have no idea . . .

Forging Agreements, with Nick Fayers, Nottinghamshire Healthcare

Warp It would like to introduce Nick Fayers for your reading pleasure. Nick is the Divisional Energy and Environmental Manager at Nottinghamshire Healthcare. He’s a . . .

NHS Supplier of the Year!

We were awarded "NHS Supplier of the Year" at the NHS Sustainability Awards last Thursday! The NHS is one of Britain’s proudest achievements. And today its staff do a . . .


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