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Helping NHS Integrated Care Systems reuse assets better

Warp it helps the NHS collaborate and use its land and buildings better; this saves money, maximises asset value and liberates space. Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) work . . .

Reuse critical to achieving a net zero NHS

The NHS in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has pledged to become net zero and build climate resilience, following the COP26 summit in Glasgow. No time frame was . . .

Reuse saves nearly a quarter of a million for Welsh health board

Hywel Dda University Health Board has delivered £230k in savings thanks to reuse using the Warp It redistribution service. The Health Board, which provides healthcare . . .

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust makes a big green impact

Nottingham Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has made a big green impact by saving £10,000 and avoiding over 100 tonnes of carbon in just one year thanks to an . . .

Help us help NHS & other frontline workers

In an effort to help protect frontline NHS workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve launched an online marketplace for businesses to donate vital equipment and . . .

Why CEOs LOVE Warp It...

I was just on the phone to one of our customers and she was taling about pitching our services to their CEO. So I took her through all the reasons that a CEO who leads a . . .

NHS Reporting Requirements for ERIC

The NHS is showing incredible leadership and becoming a real international driving force for the reuse movement by embedding reuse of furniture and equipment into . . .

Case Study: Kingston Hospital NHS, Paul Graham

We are joined by Paul Graham, Utilities, Waste and Sustainability Manager at Kingston Hospital. Paul will be discussing: The story of their reuse project Dealing with . . .

Case Study: Simon Laughton, St Mary's Hospital, Isle of Wight

We welcome Simon Laughton, Facilities Senior Supervisor from the Facilities Department at St Mary’s Hospital on the Isle of Wight. He’s here to talk about their new . . .


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