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What we love in April 2019 - rewilding the world

Nature knows best when it comes to survival and self-governance and certainly is our greatest ally in locking carbon away and protecting our climate. We can give it a . . .

Tips and tools on rewilding (the best technology to abate climate change)

Nature is our greatest ally in locking carbon away and protecting our climate. Natural climate solutions like rewilding will make a massive difference to our planet's . . .

Warp It's Guerrilla Communications Tricks

We love hearing from our beloved Warp It members, especially when they go into detail about their relationship with the platform, their successes, and their problems. . . .

How to Target Certain Departments to Boost Reuse

“If you try to please everyone, you'll end up pleasing no one.” – Mae Mai For those who have ever tried to make an organisational change, whether monumental or . . .

Case Study: Alex Jones & Gary Stratmann, UCL

We are joined by Alex Jones and Gary Stratmann from University College London, to discuss their reuse project and the impressive work they’ve done with Warp It. Alex . . .

Feature: retrospective claiming

Occasionally, you may need to make a claim for something that has been redistributed previously. Often this is because the items were claimed outside of the Warp It . . .

Why are people, organisations and countries declaring a climate emergency?

What follows are the main reasons why the climate emergency movement is bursting into mainstream. Awareness is the first point of taking action. I am a firm believer . . .

What we love in March 2019 - action not hope on fighting Climate Change

"We need action, not hope on fighting Climate Change.” These words, spoken by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, are resonating around the world. Greta, who . . .

Tips and tools to fix climate change

We can’t ignore climate change. It’s real and is causing serious changes to our planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and deforestation. It’s . . .


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