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Webinar: Reuse and Redistribute Surplus Assets With & Between Organisations

Has your organisation ever considered introducing an equipment/asset reuse system? Perhaps you’ve got an existing system and it is in serious need of improvement? Reuse . . .

5 Examples of How National Contractors Can Benefit From Warp It

This article has been put together to illustrate the ways in which contractors and suppliers can add value to their relationships with their clients in the fields of . . .

The Simplest Guide EVER to Getting Set Up on Warp It

We’ve put together loads of resources and guides to help you get set up on Warp It, to help you embed it, and to help you list things so that you can start making claims . . .

NHS Reporting Requirements for ERIC

The NHS is showing incredible leadership and becoming a real international driving force for the reuse movement by embedding reuse of furniture and equipment into . . .

Sustainable Development Team, Nottingham Trent University, Case Study

We are pleased to welcome the Sustainable Development Team at Nottingham Trent University for a case study looking at how they have been adapting to their new Warp It . . .

Feature: custom third party claim message

Many Warp It members redistribute items to third parties, and communicating the practicalities is important to ensure a smooth and problem-free experience. Here is a . . .

Tips and tools on hope, inspiration and climate change action

We're bombarded with scary stories and told that we must change our ways, and soon. The challenge can’t be understated and the situation may seem bleak, but there’s . . .

What we love - choose hope. Choose action. Choose a future.

Climate change is a big challenge and requires action at a large scale by all levels of government and business. The good news is that we’re not alone! Governments, . . .

How to grab this opportunity to push sustainability deep into organisation culture

Do you work on sustainability issues in your organisation or you know somebody that does? If the answer is yes, get ready to help make a change! As part of my usual . . .


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