What we love in November 2018 - unleash your potential with coaching
Coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understand that they may need help to find the answer. The essential part is to learn . . .
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Coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understand that they may need help to find the answer. The essential part is to learn . . .
Coaching is a process that aims to improve our performance and focuses on the present rather than on the distant past or future. Fundamentally, the coach helps the . . .
Welcome back! In part four of this series looking at organisation and city level sharing of surplus assets, we are focusing on the University of London. First, please . . .
Sometimes organisations set up their own reuse platforms. This is great! Really, it is! Our mission is to make reuse mainstream and so it warms our cockles when we hear . . .
Making Reuse Mainstream Our aim is to make reuse mainstream and give you the tools and tips to help you do that in your organisation. To help with that we are delivering . . .
Firstly, before we dive right into the ways in which Warp It has impacted the shape and culture of the NHS and UK Healthcare in general, we want to say thank you. We’d . . .
In part three of this series covering organisation and city wide sharing of surplus assets, we go now to the University of Glasgow. If you missed the earlier . . .
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Coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understand that they may need help to find the answer.
The essential part is to learn to silence that pesky inner-voice and allow your instincts to take over.
Sometimes that may mean distracting it, and other times it’s about exploring the ‘worst case scenario’ and removing the fear.
Topics: What we love
Coaching is a process that aims to improve our performance and focuses on the present rather than on the distant past or future.
Fundamentally, the coach helps the individual to improve their own performance: in other words, helps them to learn.
This month we’re looking at how to coach and how to be coached.
Topics: Guidance for projects, Warp It admin, Tips and tools
Welcome back! In part four of this series looking at organisation and city level sharing of surplus assets, we are focusing on the University of London.
Topics: Procurement, University, Charity
Competition is healthy and it might just help us stumble upon the next idea for improving Warp It.
This article is for those institutions that are looking to improve their online platforms.
The following explains the Warp It processes, so that you can take our best ideas and apply them to your platform. Aren't we generous!
First things first- our aim is to make reuse as automatic as possible. We try to remove all of the bottle necks and friction point so that reuse is easier than buying new or ordering waste disposal.
Wherever we can save time or make things easy we know that the person will come back again to the system as it was easy! Thus making reuse normal.
Topics: Reuse program: Planning stage
Our aim is to make reuse mainstream and give you the tools and tips to help you do that in your organisation.
To help with that we are delivering regular regional workshops. See here.
I was going to write a blog post about why you should come to the workshops but then i thought i would widen the scope and give you reasons to go to any relevant event or workshop.
Topics: Warp It admin, Events
We’d like to thank all of the brilliant professionals in the NHS who have supported our mission, thank you to those who bought into our reuse model, and every green champion that pursued having a Warp It reuse project installed in their healthcare facility. From our first hospital to our most recent, it is such a brilliant journey to be a part of, and the icing on the cake, winning NHS Supplier of the Year 2018, means a great deal to all of us here at Warp It.
Topics: Report, NHS, Sustainable healthcare
In part three of this series covering organisation and city wide sharing of surplus assets, we go now to the University of Glasgow. If you missed the earlier instalments, please read part one and part two.
Topics: University, Case study, Smart city
On occasion, a third party such as another organisation, school, or charity, may make a claim and then don't collect the goods.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
When items are left unused, but you want to keep hold of them in the longer-term, you may wish to loan them out.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
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